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Summer 2008 Agenda

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Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.

Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA.
Remote Participation Information

If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is

Please keep an eye on the phone list in case we have to change the MeetingPlace ID during the meeting

If you're interested in participating remotely for specific topic only, please email to indicate what you're interested in.

CCA Forum Meeting, 24 July, Cartier Room

8am Welcome and Where's the Bathrooms
Host: David Bernholdt

8am - 9am Working Breakfast

Orientation to local facilities, establishing main meeting agenda, informal discussions of recent CCA activities not warranting agenda items, setup and testing of remote collaboration facilities.

8:45am MeetingPlace session begins

9am Introductions
Rob Armstrong, SNL

The Next CCA Meeting in Chicago
Next Host: Boyana Norris

Host and Site Selection for the April 2009 Meeting (Redux)
Rob Armstrong, SNL

Site Selection and Scheduling for the Meeting One Year from Now
Rob Armstrong, SNL

David Bernholdt, Lois McInnes, Gary Kumfert, Rob Armstrong

A brief summary of what's been going on (technically) in TASCS since the last CCA Forum meeting.

Toward a Distributed and Parallel HPC Environments
Nanbor Wang (Tech-X Corporation)

A summary of the Distributed Component project.

10:30 am Refreshments available

F2003 Structured Data Types in Babel, FMCFM and Ecloud
Stefan Muszala (Tech-X Corporation)

I'm giving a warp-up of the F2003 Struct Support work in Babel, update of FMCFM and FACETS work using the F2003 Binding and I'm giving an intro to the Ecloud CCA project.

12:15pm-2:00pm Lunch on your own

Introducing the CCA EPrints Repository (aka What I did on My Summer Vacation)
Henok Mikre (ORNL and University of Tennessee)

A tour of the new electronic document repository which has been added to the CCA Forum collaboration server. It gives us a location to collect publications and presentations associated with the CCA, and can equally well host the documents locally or point to external URLs (i.e. publisher sites).

Update on the Great CCA Forum Collaboration Server Migration
David Bernholdt (ORNL)

An update on recent progress, besides the new eprint repository. Take home message: If you want uninterrupted access to CCA Forum collaboration servers, be sure to sign up for a new account promptly when the call goes out.

"Boccafied" SPARSKIT for CCA Toolkit
Masha Sosonkina (Ames Laboratory)

A brief note on our experience in changing SPARSKIT components to use bocca and making it a part of CCA Toolkit.

A first look at CCA Onramp
Matthew Sottile (UOregon)

Over the last 9 months the CCA-lite effort has been retooled and refocused to provide assistance tools to users with legacy codes in migrating to the Bocca/Babel based CCA environment. This talk will give a brief overview of the work Onramp effort. A preview release of the Onramp tools will be made available by the time of the talk on the SciDAC outreach site.

An Automatic Framework Generator
Rob Armstrong, SNL

With the possible addition of a SWIG-like "typemaps", Onramp which builds upon Bocca which incorporates Ccaffeine which incorporates the CCA Spec which builds upon Babel — deep breath — provides pretty much everything needed to turn a working application into a plug-able framework that does exactly what the original did. Some time will be spent trying to convince the audience why this is a revolutionary and good thing.

3:30pm Refreshments available

Simplifying Development
Ben Allan (Sandia)
Auxiliary presentation

Automating multilanguage development processes for the high-performance software lifecycle is hard. We will present some of the reasons why, summarize the status quo CCA users encounter, and propose a better way to manage code (by creating or evolving several tools, of course).

Multiscale Science and BabelRMI
Gary Kumfert, LLNL

If time allows, Gary will reprise Nathan Barton's talk from the recent ASCR CS PI meeting. Nathan and Gary worked together on a LLNL LDRD called Cooperative Parallelism which pushed the development of Babel RMI.

End 5:00pm local time

Dinner on your own
Local and remote possibilities

All sorts of food by the lake in Gaithersburg (taxi or car needed).

near the hotel

or take the metro into town.

CCA Forum Meeting: 25 July, Old Georgetown Room

Remote Participants: Please email David if you want to participate in a BOF. Otherwise he won't bother setting up the phone gear.

8am Announcements, BOF Planning

8am-9am Working Breakfast

Establishing main meeting agenda, informal follow-ups to yesterday's presentations and side conversations, other discussions not warranting agenda items, setup and testing of remote collaboration facilities.

8:45am MeetingPlace session begins

9am Birds of a Feather Sessions

Uncle Rob Wants YOU to Join the Toolkit Army!
Rob Armstrong (SNL)

'Nuf said.

What's Next for the CCA Forum Collaboration Server?
Henok Mikre (ORNL and University of Tennessee) and David Bernholdt (ORNL)

In particular, to we want to stand up (something like) GForge for software collaboration and dissemination? Discussion of other services also welcome.

End 12:00n local time

Created by: baallan last modification: Friday 12 of September, 2008 [12:49:53 UTC] by bernhold

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