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Bocca: a Component and Application Generator for CCA
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Bocca is a command line tool for creating and maintaining CCA components and applications. Bocca makes creating ports and components as easy giving them a name. Bocca also provides a scaffolding for building, testing and maintaining components. While Bocca provides a "best practices" source tree, the resulting infrastructure uses only standard development tools (e.g. autotools) and is in no way dependent on Bocca itself. Bocca generates the source tree only, and lets the user decide when and if they wish to abandon the Bocca way of doing things. Bocca has enjoyed early success and is now the basis of the CCA tutorial. Going through the latest tutorial is now the best way to learn about bocca. Tutorials happen frequently, see the tutorials page. Anticipated tutorials at this time include those at PARA08 (Trondheim) and SciDAC08 (Seattle).

Created by: rob last modification: Monday 14 of April, 2008 [16:52:18 UTC] by rob

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