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Desktop Sharing Tool
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MeetingPlace is a web-based desktop-sharing capability provided by the ESnet Collaboration Services for use by Office of Science projects.

The ESnet MeetingPlace system also includes a 30-port conference bridge which is available on a first-come-first-reserved basis. See notes below.

  • Computer with network connectivity
  • Web browser
    • PCs seem to work equally well with IE or Firefox
    • Macs should work in theory, but Safari seems to be "receive"-only
    • Linux systems are "receive"-only
  • Java plug-in installed for your browser
    • Some people report problems with Java 5.0, while for others it works fine

Attending a Meeting

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Audio & Data (T.120)"
  3. Click "Schedule or Attend Audio/Data Conference"
  4. Enter the four-digit meeting ID code
  5. Enter something in the "My name is" field and click "Attend Meeting"
  6. After a few moments, the meeting information page will appear. Confirm that it is the right meeting and click "Join Web Conference".
  7. Click "Yes" on the Java security warning for the applet from Lattitude Communications.
  8. You will end up with a "MeetingPlace WebShare" window with some toolbar icons across the top and "Open Web Chat" and "Share Application" buttons on the bottom left. At this point, unless you're mastering a presentation, just sit back and watch the show.

Note that due to the WebShare window's frame, you may have to scroll a little to see the entire screen that is being shared. If your display is larger than 1024x768 (or whatever resolution the master is using), you can enlarge the WebShare window to reduce/avoid the need to scroll.

Leading a Meeting

To be added...

Scheduling a Meeting

Note: In order to schedule a meeting on MeetingPlace, you need to have a login for the ESnet Collaboration Services — see below.

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Audio & Data (T.120)"
  3. Click "Schedule or Attend Audio/Data Conference"
  4. Click "Schedule Meeting"
  5. Set appropriate "Date", "Time" (note time zone), and "Length" of event. You can setup recurring meetings with simple schedules (i.e. daily or weekly, but not M-W-F)
  6. Set the number of callers to 0 (this is important, or else you will tie up resources on their conference bridge unnecessarily!)
  7. Set the subject of the meeting to something (short) that will help people identify that they've entered the right meeting ID when they attend.
  8. Click "Submit"
You do not need to fill in the "Meeting ID" or "Billing Code" fields, nor do you need to add other email addresses to notify (unless you really want to).

After submitting, should get a new page indicating that the meeting has been scheduled and giving the meeting ID. You will also receive an email confirmation with the meeting ID in it.

Getting an ECS Login

ECS logins are available to individuals affiliated with an Office of Science-sponsored project.

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Audio & Data (T.120)"
  3. Click "Register with ESnet"
  4. Complete all fields of the form.
  5. Click "Submit Request".

You'll receive your login after the information you provided is verified. The "PI/PM Name" and "PI/PM Email" fields are asking you for the name and email of the/a Principal Investigator of an Office of Science project who will be asked to verify your involvement. I put down myself, since I am a PI on two Office of Science projects. That through them for a bit of a loop, but after a short phone conversation, they were satisfied with my assertion and gave me an account.

Using the Conference Bridge

To be added...

Created by: rob last modification: Wednesday 27 of February, 2008 [11:49:52 UTC] by bernhold

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