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CCA Toolkit
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CCA Toolkit

This is an information page for the CCA toolkit, a group of components that members of the CCA working group have produced and
maintain for parallel computations and distributed computing.

If you are starting from scratch to build a new CCA component, then Bocca is definitely the way to go. See the CCA tutorial, in either live or downloadable form, for complete step-by-step instructions for its use. The standard for installing toolkit packages is now the bocca package installation standard, an update of the 2004 toolkit BOF standards (now deprecated) for installs and naming. If your component does not use Bocca, that's OK, but it should support these standards as well as some configuration and build standards. Please see the Component Builders Guide Sans Bocca. Currently contributors to the toolkit should make their component compatible with the 0.6.5 version of the CCA Tools tool chain.

Here are a list of components in the toolkit project. Not yet packaged means the component works and has CCA interfaces but has not yet been added to the toolkit repository. Application code exists means the underlying application exists but does not yet have CCA interfaces. In Mind means none of the code is yet available, either interface or application level code. In Design means it is still having interfaces developed, generally for a component that requires significant numbers of people to agree upon it. Some of these packages may evolve further as the applications users indicate needs and negotiate changes in interfaces.

Potential applications under consideration:
  1. Simple parallel linear PDE solver in parallel (possibly Python scripting, simple mesh, Epetra, possibly CUMULVS)
  2. Molecular dynamics problem (possibly Python scripting, global arrays, TAO)
  3. Simple method of lines solver (CVODE, some linear solver, some viz component)

CCA Toolkit: Numerical Components
ComponentDerived fromContactInstitutionStatusDue Date
Parallel VisualizationCUMULVSJim KohlORNLpackaged (needs documentation)
Distributed Array Data ModelGlobal ArraysManojkumar KrishnanPNNLDone.
Sparse Linear SolversTrilinos/PetSCRandall BramleyIndiana Uavailibility
Unstructured MeshTSTT participantsLori FreitagSciDACNot yet packaged
Perf. MeasurementTAUSameer ShendeUniv. of Oregonavailable
Dist. Array DescriptorHome BrewDavid BernholdtORNLIn design
OptimizationTAOLois Curfman McInnesANLDone.
Structured MeshGrACEJaideep RaySNL, RutgersVersion 0.9.8, available
Python ScriptingBabelWael ElwasifORNLIn design
Serial IO/DatanetCDFJay LarsonANLNot yet packaged.April 05
Parallel IO/DataPnetCDFJay LarsonANLIn development.
Ordinary Differential Equation SolverCVODEBen AllanSNLavailable
Dense Linear AlgebraScaLAPACKJack DongarraU. TennesseeIn development.
Dense Linear AlgebraLAPACKJack DongarraU. TennesseeIn development.
Linear and Nonlinear SolversTOPSLois Curfman McInnesSciDACIn development.
Viz ComponentSciRUN2-basedSteve ParkerUniv. UtahPrototype exists
Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear SystemsSPARSKIT2Masha SosonkinaAmesLab SCL available

Created by: rob last modification: Wednesday 21 of January, 2009 [16:00:55 UTC] by rob

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