Summer 2009 Agenda
Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.
Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA. If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is Please keep an eye on the phone list in case we have to change the MeetingPlace ID during the meeting If you're interested in participating remotely for specific topic only, please email to indicate your interests. See below for details of start times and access codes for the telecon and MeetingPlace. Workers on automated wrapping tools will gather for mind meld and hack sessions. 8am - 9am ? Working Continental Breakfast 8am Welcome and Where are the Bathrooms Host: Manoj Introductions Rob Armstrong, SNL The Next CCA Meeting at Indiana University Samantha Foley, IU Site Selection and Scheduling for the Meeting One Year from Now Rob Armstrong, SNL TASCS News David Bernholdt & friends A brief summary of what's been going on (technically) in TASCS since the last CCA Forum meeting. CCA-based High Performance Event Service Khushbu Agarwal, PNNL 12n-1:30pm Lunch on your own Using Components to Automate Performance Experiments Van Bui, Boyana Norris, Argonne We describe the design and some preliminary implementation of a set of components that automate performance experiments for arbitrary applications. Update on the CCA Groundwater Simulation Framework: the BOCCA Experience Bruce Palmer, PNNL CCA-OnRamp: Status and new work on term-rewriting based typemaps Geoff Hulette, Matthew Sottile, UO An MxN MCMD CCA Component Using Intercomm Hassan Afzal, Alan Sussman, UMD CCARB update Ben Allan, SNL Mini-BOF Bocca mini-tutorial Ben Allan, SNL End 5:00pm local time Dinner on your own Remote Participants: Please email David if you want to participate in a BOF. Otherwise he won't bother setting up the phone gear. 8am-9am Continental Breakfast Bofs
End 12:00n local time Created by: baallan last modification: Tuesday 04 of August, 2009 [14:47:42 UTC] by bernhold |
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