MPI is in
Major update to tutorial and Ccaffeine pending. (ccaffeine legacy mpi users fear not)
EventService WG
Expected slow progress.
Discussion points:
- In the new landscape, do we still need a standard or should we aim for de-facto (as mpi was for 10 years and still people managed to use mpi in CCA) usable full prototypes instead.
- Are the driving applications going to continue driving, or was this a research-only corner of the specification? Is it time to make a very targeted base funding or SAP application to continue this development?
Discuss: is it particularly the time to consider putting out a 1.0 definition of the specification?
The current spec handles:
- application composition (90% of the problem)
- mcmd and scmd app architectures
- framework extensions via components (80% solution)
- MPI scope resolution
- basic runtime parameter getting/setting
- gui-aware runtime parameter getting/setting/notification
Missing or < 80% solutions
- General event bus
- Framework related events on standard bus
- GUIBuilder
- General rule-driven executive atop event bus
- Container (frame) reference access.
- Distributed applications (rmi implications in existing core spec)
- installation standards
- build standards (bocca & beyond)
- wrapping (onramp) standards
- MxN data exchange
- interacting with queue systems (launch)
- ? add your favorite here.