Spring 2010 Agenda
Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.
Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA. If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the phone@cca-forum.org mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is https://www.cca-forum.org/mailman/listinfo/phone.
If you're interested in participating remotely, please email bernholdtde@ornl.gov to indicate what you're interested in. 8am-9am Working Continental Breakfast Small-group discussions of technical issues arising since last CCA Forum meeting. Welcome and Where's the Bathrooms David Bernholdt: Host Telecon and web cast begin 9:00am local time Introductions Rob Armstrong, SNL A GPU Accelerator Framework using CCA Pat Nichols, PNNL. A brief presentation of a Common Component Architecture GPU interface framework using Cuda and OpenCL for accelerating scientific applications. ~10am COMPOSE-HPC David Bernholdt, ORNL A brief summary of the proposal submitted to the DOE X-Stack call Current Progress on the CCA Groundwater Modeling Framework Bruce Palmer, PNNL 12n-1:30pm Working lunch Continued discussion of technical issues arising in morning session and discussion of BOF topics. The Future of CCA Forum Meetings David Bernholdt, ORNL Time and budget constraints increasingly affect people's ability to attend our traditional quarterly face to face CCA Forum meetings. While remote attendance (phone and web case) has been an option for some years now, and is used by at least a few people at every Forum meeting, I think it is time to open the question of whether the Forum should change its meeting schedule or format. A few possibilities to consider include:
Report from the CCA Review Board Ben Allan, SNL Tasks for TASCS David Bernholdt, ORNL Planning and prioritizing for the remainder of the TASCS project. Scheduling of BOFs for tomorrow morning End 5:00pm local time Remote participation will not be setup for BOFs will not be setup unless specifically requested. 8am-9am Working Continental Breakfast Small-group discussions of technical issues arising during yesterday afternoon's session. Telecon and web cast begin 9:00am local time (if requested) CCA Forum workshop discussions and planning Rob Armstrong, SNL End 12:00n local time Created by: bernhold last modification: Saturday 24 of April, 2010 [17:10:35 UTC] by bernhold |
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