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CCARB 2010-04-09

by baallan last modified Apr 14, 2010 02:34 PM

board meeting

Present: Lois, Masha, Tom, Ben, Kosta


Status on outstanding work items?

MPI interface needs a new tools bundle release for propagation.

Event service proposal and prototype is available, reviewed well, but has not been voted. It does not include framework-specific event channel definitions. We can let it  simply be used, or we can try to push it through a voting process (which is difficult to justify until a user base has endorsed it). CQOS was probably the most likely user, and is ending.

Whither the specification?

SIDL/Babel is changing. A variety of questions arise as a result, which are summarized here, with consensus views as to the answers.


  1. Extend the spec with contracts?
  2. Change whether exceptions are used for certain activities, including getPort?
  3. Extend the spec with RMI semantics, flesh out getPortNonBlocking?
  4. Issue a 1.0 release of the specification and all supporting tools?
  5. ?
  6. ?


  1. Significant work without corresponding budgets. No.
  2. No significant benefit; recent complaints about exceptions have been the downstream result of errors in parallel communication libraries.
  3. Significant work without corresponding budgets or driving audience. No.
  4. Probably a good idea. Current rounds of funding applications will tell if we will have enough continuing use to justify a large effort or a small one here.
  5. ?
  6. ?

Action items

report out to April forum meeting.

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