CCARB 2008-03-06
last modified
Aug 22, 2008 02:31 PM
- Gary Kumfert, LLNL (CCARB)
- Ben Allan, SNL (CCARB & WG Lead)
- Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL (CCARB)
- Masha Sosonkina, Ames Lab (CCARB)
- Kostadin (Kosta) Damevski, Utah (WG Lead)
- Ben's plan:
- Get Decaf working as a separate installable product.
- Do MPIService in pure Babel + Decaf
- Publish as example for standardization
- Kosta will be chairing the EventService working group. The Event Specification Proposal is on the wiki, and the SIDL is still valid, but the ancillary documentation is a bit dated.
- Lois & Masha agreed that MPIService and EventService were their top two priorities.
- Gary asked what should be the next item to "prime the pump" and much discussion ensued. Candidates were: GUIBuilderService, CommandLineService, ComponentFactory, and whatever infrastructure was needed to support distributed frameworks (Utah, Binghamton, and Maryland colleagues).
- Nested hierarchies of components was discussed and some confusion ensued. Ben will provide Gary with a copy of a paper, and Masha (having read an liked the paper) another example.
Action Items
- Gary
- A wiki page updating all listing working groups is overdue.
- Change Decaf from Babel example to installable product.
- Ben
- Recruit more participants into MPIService WG.
- Create SIDL, implementation, and documentation.
- Questions about collections of components abound. Post a link to 2005 paper demonstrating how to do this
- Kosta
- Update all the documentation pertaining to Event Service Specification? so it can be implemented in Ccaffeine and Decaf
- Lois
- Communicate back to Initiatives to see what should be next in pipeline (one of our list or something new).
- Masha
- Communicate back to Apps to see what should be next in pipeline (one of our list or something new).