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by kumfert last modified Aug 22, 2008 02:31 PM

Summarizes the CCA Specification, how it evolves, who oversees the evolution, and how the community can participate.

CCA Specification

The CCA Specification defines what CCA components, frameworks, ports, and services are and how they interact.  While the core of the CCA Specification is relatively fixed, the list of Services that could be added to CCA's extensible framework design is without bound.   CCA specifications are written in the Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) which is the input language to Babel.

The current CCA Specification is version (???).

An archive of older CCA specifications is available here (???).


In 2007, the CCA Forum adopted a mult-stage maturity model for amending the CCA Specification. The original proposal and vote can be seen as Motion53 on Quorum.

In essence, the maturity model has four stages.  Working Groups are formed to push each proposal through the stages.  The CCA Review Board oversees the process.


  • Viewgraphs.  The Original Proposal to create the CCARB at Jan '07 CCA Meeting
  • Motion53.  Reprint of document instituting a multi-stage standardization process, Task Forces, and the CCARB
  • CCARB Pages.  Information, meeting notes, etc. for the CCA Review Board.


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