Motion53Motion 53: Changes to CCA Standardization ProcessNOTE: This is a reprint. The official motion is archived on Quorum. It was submitted April 11, 2007. Voting started April 17, 2007. The final tally on May 8, 2007 was 11 for, 0 against. Proposed Changes to CCA ProcessThis proposal seeks to add three main elements to the CCA specification process.
I. Multi-staged CCA specification ProcessThis section defines levels by which a proposed modification to the CCA specification advances, and the requirements necessary to transition from one level to the next. In all cases, the task force chair is the primary advocate for shepherding the technology through the process and the ARB is responsible for the entire specification as a whole. The levels are fixed. The requirements listed below are the default requirements for each level. The ARB may make exemptions for degenerate cases, or impose extra requirements when necessary. The goal is to have a process that works, and keep progress moving at a reasonable clip, and ensure a level of consistent quality.
II. Task ForcesThe purpose of a task force is to have an explicit unit of people who are working together to advance the specification in a certain direction. To chair a task force, an individual must propose a charter, deliverable, and time to completion to the ARB. The existence of the task force, its chair, and the delivered product become part of the permanent record of CCA's activities. The CCA Forum has, for some time, had an informal concept of "working groups". These are groups that form around topics of common interest. They are not part of the CCA standards process, per se, but are common foci for BOFs at CCA meetings. It is likely that working groups may spin off formal task forces when their work involves changes in the CCA specification. III. Architecture Review Board (ARB)The ARB is constituted of 3-5 individuals selected by the general chair of the CCA, and may include the general chair themself. The entire slate of ARB members selected by the general chair must be ratified by a simple majority of the CCA-Forum. The Chair can appoint individual replacements when ARB members step down, but cannot remove individuals once they are part of a ratified slate. A Chair may propose a new slate of ARB members at any time, but the new slate must then again be ratified by the general forum. The primary responsibility of the ARB is to keep the specification process running efficiently and effectively for the betterment of the CCA specification. Members of the ARB are obliged to consider all petitions for forming new task forces, and confirming when a task force has satisfied all the requirements for its charter. The ARB may renew, cancel, or suggest modifications to the task force's charter. MotivationThis proposal is a follow up to the discussion in the Winter '07 CCA meeting. Relevant slides are here This proposal is intentionally short and informal. Due to the intertwined nature of the three major elements of this proposal, its initial acceptance is all-or-nothing. Amendments can be made later by the traditional simple majority vote. There is no clause requiring a super-majority. Created by: kumfert last modification: Wednesday 09 of January, 2008 [17:23:09 UTC] by kumfert |
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