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F90 examples
The CCA tutorial and bocca test/cca suite come with a number of fortran examples.

Common fortran questions

  • Q: What does this error mean?

- compiling sources... In file /home/baallan/cca/build/bocca/trunk/test/cca/

call set_null(port)
Error: There is no specific subroutine for the generic 'set_null' at (1)

  • A: a use statement is missing. Add 'use gov_cca_Port' to your use splicer like so:

! Insert-Code-Here? {ppF.testX.setServices.use} (use statements)
use gov_cca_Port
! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ppF.testX.setServices.use)

F90 vs F77 support
  • F90 is fully supported by bocca.
  • F77 is not fully supported, as bocca is based on 1.0.x babel and the required f77_31 will not be fully supported until babel 1.1.1 or later. F77_31 is the preprocessed Fortran-77 binding to babel that will allow bocca to process all valid sidl into valid F77 code. If the babel team drops f77_31 entirely, bocca will drop all support for f77.
  • For 'safe' SIDL, that is for definitions which result in no identifiers longer than 31 characters, bocca and the unpreprocessed f77 babel binding may be used, but the quality and completeness of the current bocca-generated f77 code is not high.

Created by: baallan last modification: Thursday 25 of October, 2007 [23:43:27 UTC] by baallan

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