BoccaSimpleDependenceYou can specify extra compilation flags on any of three scopes:
Assume you have created a project X and a c++ component Y in /tmp. The locations of make.vars.user you can customize are: /tmp/X/make.vars.user /tmp/X/components/make.vars.user /tmp/X/components/X.Y/make.vars.user Generally, you should set flags at the most specific scope applicable. Edit /tmp/X/components/X.Y/make.vars.user and you will find (among others) INCLUDES = LIBS = CXXFLAGS_USER= $(BOCCA_IO_FLAGS) Set the includes and libs as you would normally, and if you want to turn off default printing of errors from components for production, delete or comment out the use of BOCCA_IO_FLAGS. e.g INCLUDES=-I/opt/pkg/include LIBS=-L/opt/pkg/lib -lpkgElement CXXFLAGS_USER= All three make.vars.user files get included in the make when building, from least specific to most. /tmp/X/make.vars.user ; # project-wide is read first /tmp/X/components/make.vars.user ; # all components is read next /tmp/X/components/X.Y/make.vars.user ; is read last as each component is built. Notes:
Created by: baallan last modification: Tuesday 23 of October, 2007 [19:04:37 UTC] by baallan |
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