CCARB 2009-03-11
last modified
Mar 11, 2009 04:30 PM
agenda/notes of march 2009 ccarb meeting
- Tom Epperly, LLNL (CCARB)
- Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL (CCARB)
- Masha Sosonkina, Ames Lab (CCARB)
- Kostadin (Kosta) Damevski, VSU (WG Lead)
- Ben Allan, SNL (CCARB & WG Lead)
- David Bernholdt, ORNL (TASCS, PI)
- Rob Armstrong, SNL (CCA Forum, Chair)
- Review minutes from prior meetings
- Review action items from last meeting
- Tom
- Integrate Kosta's changes to Decaf back into the repository.
- Repackage Decaf as a standalone software distribution.
- Gather requirements from Environment regarding CCA 1.0 specification.
- Kosta
- Report on EventServices in next CCA meeting
- Send changes to Decaf to Tom
- Lois
- Gather requirements from Initiatives for CCA 1.0.
- Communicate EventService website, svn to CQoS folks
- Communicate CQoS needs/intentions to Kosta so he can focus presentation.
- Masha
- Gather requirements from Applications about CCA 1.0
- Ben
- Report on MPIService in next CCA meeting.
- CCARB report in next CCA meeting.
- Prospective mod's to CCA Spec:
- MPIService
- EventService
- GUIBuilderService
- ComponentRepository/Factory extension "Some way of loading components"
- "Some way of making a config file and command options"
- MxN service
- Distributed arrays
Action Items
- Continue gathering items for 1.0 (all)
- EventService level 2 (topic standards) (Ben)
- EventService level 1 (PNL impl request) (David)
- Event/TypeMap serialization, ServiceRegistry (Kosta)
- Push MPIService on (Ben/Kosta demo)
- Quorum update (Ben/Tom)
- Next meeting coscheduled with CCA in April.