CCARB 2008-09-04
last modified
Sep 04, 2008 01:47 PM
2008 September 4 (Thursday) 10 am Pacific Time
- Gary Kumfert, LLNL (CCARB)
- Ben Allan, SNL (CCARB & WG Lead) mpi:
- Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL (CCARB) (Absent: FACETS meeting)
- Masha Sosonkina, Ames Lab (CCARB)
- Kostadin (Kosta) Damevski, Utah (WG Lead) (Absent: Teaching conflict)
- David Bernholdt, ORNL (TASCS, PI)
- Review minutes from prior meetings
- Review action items from last meeting
- Kumfert
- cc Kosta for next telecon (DONE)
- Compile & Test Kosta's EventService code (DONE)
- Complete paperwork to release Decaf as a standalone product. (TODO)
- Bernholdt
- Flesh out top level folder heiracrhy for Plone website (TODO : Insert CCA Infocamp plug here)
- Sosonkina
- Allan
Present requirements for containers. (Found workaround not requiring containers. Discussion about importance ensued. Could not find pressing need, but agreed this would be useful feature and would continue tracking rumblings in field.)
Package MPI service to Kosta. (TODO)
Action Items
Change meeting time to accommodate Kosta's teaching schedule (use
- Kumfert
- Change meeting time to accommodate Kosta's teaching schedule (use
- Kosta
- Migrate "Official EventServices WG page" to new wiki
- Develop example with two Decaf instances sending events over BabelRMI
- Ben
- Package MPI Service to Kosta
- Lois
- Assume EventServices will be ready for friendly user from Initiatives area. Have one lined up for next meeting.