The Common Component Architecture Forum
The CCA Forum is dedicated to bringing the concepts and tools of component-based software development to high-performance scientific and engineering computing, and leveraging the component environment to enhance the capability and productivity of developers of such software.
About the Common Component Architecture
Component-based software development (CBSD) is a well-established approach to managing the complexity of large-scale software systems. The approach is widely used in other areas of computing, expressed as various component architectures which serve different user communities. The Common Component Architecture (CCA) is a specification for a component architecture designed specifically for the needs of high-performance scientific and engineering computing.
More info: |
CCA in Depth | | |
Technical Papers and Presentations | | |
Tutorials |
CCA Specification |
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Glossary of CBSD and CCA Terminology | | |
Related Projects |
About the CCA Forum
The Common Component Architecture Forum is an open standards body dedicated to accelerate scientific discovery in computational science and engineering by improving the software engineering technology that goes into these codes. It maintains the CCA specification and provides a venue for the developers and users of HPC component technology to exchange ideas through both face to face meetings and a variety of services for electronic communication and collaboration. Forum participants are associated with a wide variety of R&D projects. We welcome anyone interested in HPC component technology.
More info: |
Participation and Governance |
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Meetings |
Working Groups |
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Collaboration Tools |
Getting CCA Software
Numerous researchers develop software that conforms to the CCA specification. CCA tool chains provide the basic environment in which CCA-compliant software is developed and used, and some, like the Babel language interoperability middleware, are also quite useful outside of the CCA context. The CCA Toolkit is a collection of reusable components designed to facilitate exploration and rapid prototyping of scientific applications. Most of this software is freely available under open sourcelicenses.
More info: |
Software Overview | | |
Tools |
Report Bugs |
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Components |
Using the CCA
The CCA is used in numerous projects across a wide range of science and engineering applications, but we're always looking for more! To help you get started, our tutorials are available online, as well as being offered "live" in various venues. There is also documentation, and case studies of various CCA-based applications. Through our mailing lists and individual contacts, we are happy to provide more personalized assistance, drawing on the wide range of experience in the CCA community. If there is sufficient interest, we can organize tutorials or "coding camps" on request.
More info: |
Tutorials | | | Technical Papers and Presentations |
Documentation | | | Coding Camps |
Developing the CCA
There are many opportunities to contribute to the development of the CCA. New ideas are often developed in response to the needs of applications, and piloted in collaboration with them. Working groups help refine and extend the CCA specification. Contributors develop new tools and components and enhance existing ones, Tools are ported maintained on a wide range of platforms.
More info: |
Working Groups | | | Software Overview |
Join the Community
The CCA Forum is a very open research organization and is constantly looking for new users, collaborators and contributors. You can get involved in the CCA community by signing up for mailing lists of interest, attending face to face meetings, contributing to software development, or just sharing your interest in or approach to component-based software development with us. We are also actively engaged in the larger international community of interest in component-based high performance computing through workshops and other interactions.
More info: |
Meetings |
| | Mailing Lists | | |
Collaboration Tools |
Contact Us |
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Related Projects |