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CCARB 2009-06-11

by baallan last modified Jun 11, 2009 02:42 PM


  • Ben Allan, SNL (CCARB)
  • Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL (CCARB)
  • Masha Sosonkina, Ames Lab (CCARB)
  • Kostadin (Kosta) Damevski, VA (WG Lead)
  • David Bernholdt, ORNL (TASCS)
  • Tom Epperly, LLNL (CCARB)


  1. Review action items from last meeting
    1. Ben
      • Prepare a MPIService  draft.
    2. Kosta/David
      • Resolicit input/impl for EventService from PNNL.


MPIService proposal/report presented based on OMG template.

EventService input from PNNL still missing.

GUIService is on Kosta's list, and the idea of leading a new proposal in the area didn't draw any volunteers.

Action Items

David will resolicit EventService code from PNNL.

CCARB members will review MPIService proposal for form and content and feedback to Ben.

Ben will look into proposal format(s) used in MPI forum for additional features that might be handy.

Ben will prepare final draft for next meeting for vote on forwarding to the forum.


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