architecture: opteron/linux
date: Aug. 2005 contributor: Benjamin Allan The keys in this configuration are getting mpich configured and babel pointed at mpich. First the mpich config, then the babel config. In this config set, we use intel fortran, but not intel c++. (Even with these instructions you may still not get a working f90 support depending on how Chasm was compiled and installed on your system.) ../mpich-1.2.7/configure --with-romio --with-mpe \ -prefix=/san/cca/mpich_gcc_intel_PIC \ --enable-cxx \ -c++=/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.4.3/c++ \ -fc=/opt/intel/fce/9.0/bin/ifort \ -opt='-O' \ -clinker=/usr/bin/cc \ -c++linker=/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.4.3/c++ \ -flinker=/opt/intel/fce/9.0/bin/ifort \ -optcc='-O ' \ -optf77='-O ' \ -f90=/opt/intel/fce/9.0/bin/ifort \ -f90inc=/opt/intel/fce/9.0/include \ -f90libpath=/opt/intel/fce/9.0/lib \ -f90linker=/opt/intel/fce/9.0/bin/ifort \ --enable-sharedlib \ --enable-sharedlib=/san/cca/mpich_gcc_intel_PIC/lib \ -cflags=-fPIC \ -fflags=-fPIC \ -c++flags=-fPIC \ -rsh=/usr/bin/ssh ../babel-0.10.10/configure --prefix=$HOME/cca/install/babel-mpi \ --disable-java \ CC=/san/cca/mpich_gcc_intel_PIC/bin/mpicc \ CXX=/san/cca/mpich_gcc_intel_PIC/bin/mpicxx \ FC=/san/cca/mpich_gcc_intel_PIC/bin/mpif90 \ F77=/san/cca/mpich_gcc_intel_PIC/bin/mpif77 If you want to use intel c++ as well, change the obvious c++ options in the mpich configuration and add CXXFLAGS=-w1 to the babel configuration to suppress Intel remarks. Created by: baallan last modification: Friday 26 of August, 2005 [04:27:23 UTC] by baallan |
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