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Outstanding issues related to migration of the server
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  • Check that mailing list web pages properly distinguish between domains
  • Why do monthly password reminders appear to come from amr instead of mailman?
    • Fixed /etc/mailman/virtual-mailman to include "mailman" on 2007-03-17. Maybe it will work now?
  • Can we do VERP-like confirmation messages?
    • I think configuration is set for this, but didn't work
  • Check whether users are notified when their postings are held
    • Default should be no
    • Most (all?) lists should not do this
  • Should we automatically discard anything that ORNL's spam filters mark as spam?
    • So far, a visual inspection of each held mail indicates that ORNL spam checks are doing an excellent job. No false positives observed.
    • Experimenting with cca-chemistry, amr, cca-pi, mxn-wg list header_filter_rules
  • Web-based list creation only works if the following files are owned by apache.mailman rather than the normal mailman.mailman. Unfortunately, postfix doesn't like apache.mailman ownership, so there's a conflict. For now, we can't use web-based list creation. There is something funny w.r.t. user and group ownership in this installation of postfix/mailman/apache compared to systems like forge-fre and chem-fre, where web-based creation just works.
    • /etc/mailman/aliases
    • /etc/mailman/aliases.db
    • /etc/mailman/virtual-mailman
    • /etc/mailman/virtual-mailman.db

  • Local LDAP should grab real name, email from master server

Mail (General)
  • Who is generating mail to instead of
  • Forwarding user mail based on LDAP email info
  • Automatic lists of users

Created by: bernhold last modification: Thursday 05 of June, 2008 [18:10:17 UTC] by bernhold

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