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Winter 2008 Agenda

CCA Winter 2008 Meeting Agenda
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Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.

Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA.

Local Information
A Local Map for the locations of various venues and near by restaurants.

Remote Participation Information

If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is
  • Telecon: 877-701-0943 code 148036
  • MeetingPlace ID: Varies by day, see below
Please keep an eye on the phone list in case we have to change the MeetingPlace ID during the meeting

If you're interested in participating remotely, please email to indicate what you're interested in.

PreMeeting, Jan 14, 2008, Starting 1:00PM

Toolkit Coding Camp - Contact: Rob Armstrong
Starts: Monday, 14 January 2008, 1:00p
Ends: Wednesday, 16 January 2008, 5:00p
Location: Tech-X Corp.

This coding camp is meant primarily for CCA Toolkit developers and contributors, but anyone who is working on CCA software is welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to get expert hands to help you with your code problems.

CCA Forum Meeting, Jan 17, 2008

Some pictures from the coding camp and the main meeting are available here.

Location: Millennium Hotel (in Millennium Room at 1F)

Breakfast starts at 8:00am in Millennium Room

Begin 9:00am local time

Welcome and Where's the Bathrooms
Host: Nanbor Wang (Tech-X)

Rob Armstrong, SNL

The Next CCA Meeting in Salishan, Oregon
Sameer Shende (U. Oregon)

Changing Dates for the October 2008 Forum Meeting
Rob Armstrong, SNL

The CompArch meeting, which includes CBSE and the Component-Based HPC workshop (formerly known as CompFrame) is 14-17 October, which overlaps with the originally-planned dates for the CCA Forum meeting (16-17 October). We need to shift the Forum meeting to allow participation in both events.

Site Selection and Scheduling for the Meeting One Year from Now
Rob Armstrong, SNL

David Bernholdt, Lois McInnes, Gary Kumfert, Rob Armstrong

A brief summary of what's been going on (technically) in TASCS since the last CCA Forum meeting.

Introduction of a new CCA applications project: Component representations of ab-initio nuclear physics calculations
Masha Sosonkina

I will introduce the Many Fermion Dynamics MFDn applications, outline its computational requirements, and present some use cases involving MFDn. Initial component modeling and port designations will be also shown.

Babel F2003 Struct Support update and FACETS+Babel integration
Stefan Muszala, Tech-X

The purpose of this talk is to provide a technical update regarding the implementation of F2003 Struct Support in Babel (What's done, What needs to be done). I will also describe our initial experience using the newly developed Babel bindings in work that integrates FACETS C++ framework codes with FMCFM Fortran transport modules.

Bocca User Request/Complaints Discussion
Wael Elwsif, ORNL

In light of the recently completed Toolkit coding camp, what are user issues regarding actual component creation from existing/new code?

CCA Forum Collaboration Server Update
David Bernholdt, ORNL

We almost have some progress to report in the much-delayed migration from the old server at LBL to the new one at ORNL. I'll give a preview of the process that we'll be going through establish shell accounts on the new server and migrate CVS/SVN repositories and login services.

Preview of the New TASCS Web Site
David Bernholdt, ORNL

In response to a meeting with SciDAC managers in October, we've setup a separate web site (from to show off the TASCS project. It is still under development, but should go into production around the end of the month. I will give a short tour of the site as a teaser for tomorrow's BOF.

Lunch Break 12:30-2:00pm

Remote Participation Information
  • Telecon: 877-701-0943 code 148036
  • MeetingPlace ID: 0117 (begins 1:30pm MT)

2:00pm OpenAnalysis: Representation-Independent Analysis
Michelle Mills Strout, Colorado State University (presented by Boyana Norris, ANL, due to illness)

Source code transformations, such as generating component wrappers (semi)automatically from legacy libraries, require different types of program analysis. Compilers normally implement these analyses in an tightly-integrated, language-dependent manner. OpenAnalysis is an open-source, language-independent program analysis system currently being used to analyze programs in the C/C++ ROSE compiler Sage intermediate representation and the Open64 Fortran compiler Whirl representation. I will present an overview of the OpenAnalysis project and its current status.

2:30pm Parallel component needs for integrated modeling
John Cary, Tech-X

In the integrated computations of fusion devices, examples of many kinds of parallelism and parallel component models arise. By way of background, integrated computations are those that try to combine in a single computational model the the disparate models that from the multiple physical aspects of a fusion device. Those include turbulence, cross-flux-surface transport, transport in the anisotropic edge, and atomic and molecular species trapped in walls. When these models are brought together, there exist multiple ways of distributing the models across a parallel system, but in addition, there are multiple ways in which the models can interact, such that a different interfaces need to be exposed on different ranks. The needs for constructing such a complex simulation are discussed. Those include a language and discovery mechanisms.

3:00pm Architecture of the FACETS fusion framework
Ammar Hakim, Tech-X

In this talk the architecture of the FACETS fusion framework is described. FACETS aims to provide a generic framework to couple fusion components to do coupled modeling of large fusion devices. To enable the coupling the framework defines a number of key concepts. Among these are Components, Updaters, Updatables and Couplers. These concepts will be described in detail and examples of their use in actual fusion simulation will be given.

Update on CSMDS Adoption and Infiltration of CCA
Scott Peckham, CSDMS

The purpose of this talk is to give a brief update of our experiences with CCA and its associated tools to date.

MCMD Specification Update and Prototype Implementation
Manojkumar Krishnan, PNNL.

Draft TeamService.sidl for discussion.

Scheduling of BOFs for tomorrow morning

End 5:00pm local time

CCA Forum Meeting: Jan 18, 2008

Location: Millennium Hotel (in Millennium Room at 1F)

Remote Participation Information
  • Telecon: 877-701-0943 code 148036
  • MeetingPlace ID: 0118 (begins 8:30am MT)

Breakfast starts at 8:00am in Millennium Room

Begin 9:00am local time

9:00am Group registration for new collab server accounts
David Bernholdt, ORNL

9:15am Computational Quality of Service (CQoS) (front of room)
Lois McInnes?, ANL

10:45pm TASCS project web site (front of room)
David Bernholdt, ORNL

10:45pm Bocca Users Anonymous (back of room)
Wael Elwasif, ORNL

End 12:00n local time

Created by: nanbor last modification: Sunday 03 of August, 2008 [14:48:40 UTC] by nanbor

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2 online users