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Winter 2007 Agenda

Snoqualmie CCA Meeting January 2007
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CCA 2007 Winter Meeting, Snoqualmie, WA, Jan 25-26, 2007

Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.

Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA.

Remote Participation Information

If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is

If you're interested in participating remotely, please email to indicate what parts of the agenda you're interested in.

Telecon Info: Dial 1-800-664-0771, as soon as you hear the Octel voice mail system, dial "0" and ask the operator for the conference call by title (as mentioned below).

  • January 24 MCMD Meeting: "MCMD MEETING" (telecon title), MeetingPlace ID 2362
  • January 24 CQoS Meeting: "CQOS MEETING", MeetingPlace ID 0249
  • January 25-26 CCA Meeting: "CCA MEETING", MeetingPlace ID 8513

Wednesday 24 Jan 2007, Begin 12:00pm
There are two working group meetings on Wednesday January 24 2007 from 12:00 pm till 5:00 pm.

MCMD Mini-workshop: (12:00n-5:00pm PT)

CCA's support for emerging hardware and software paradigms for high-end computing is one element of the new TASCS project. One of the primary focus areas in this initiative is support for massive levels of parallelism through what we call "multiple component-multiple data" (MCMD) programming. MCMD, by analogy with the more traditional MPMD programming, involves the coordination of multiple different parallel tasks running within the same application. The goal of TASCS's MCMD work is to design and implement a "standard" infrastructure that builds on the natural encapsulation provided by components to allow developers of a broad range of applications easily access the MCMD programming style in their component-based simulations.

This is a mini-workshop to be held in conjunction with the January CCA Forum meeting to collect application requirements and begin the design process. If you would like to add an agenda item (or would like to talk about application requirements) for the MCMD workshop feel free to add, and please let Manoj Krishnan know. If you are planning to attend, please add your name in the participants list below.

Presentations (2 hours)

Open Discussion (2-3 hrs)
  • Application Requirements
  • Extensions to CCA Standard (?)
  • Collaborations with other Initiatives & Application Groups
  • Short and long term implications for CCA software
  • add your MCMD discussion topic here

Participants (so far): David Bernholdt (ORNL), Jim Kohl (ORNL), Jarek Nieplocha (PNNL), Manojkumar Krishnan (PNNL), Nanbor Wang (Tech-X), Shujia Zhou (NASA), Gary Kumfert (LLNL), Jay Larson (ANL), John May (LLNL), David Jefferson (LLNL), Masha Sosonkina (AmesLab), Bruce Palmer (PNNL), Alan Sussman (UMD)

Remote Participation: Dial 1-800-664-0771, as soon as you hear the Octel voice mail system, dial "0" and ask the operator for the conference call by title (as mentioned below).

CQoS Working Group Meeting: (1:30pm-5:00pm PT)

As computational science progresses towards ever more realistic multiphysics and multiscale applications, the complexity is becoming such that no single research group can effectively select or tune all of the components in a given application, and no single tool, solver, or solution strategy can seamlessly span the entire spectrum efficiently. Common component interfaces enable easy access to suites of independently developed algorithms and implementations. The challenge then becomes how to make sound choices dynamically during runtime among the available implementations and parameters, suitably compromising among performance, accuracy, mathematical consistency, and reliability.

CCA researchers are addressing this challenge by developing tools for Computational Quality of Service (CQoS), or the automatic selection and configuration of components to suit a particular computational purpose. The CQoS Working Group will meet from 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm on January 24, where the agenda will include taking stock of motivating applications, getting updates on recent work, and making plans for future activities.

Remote Participation: Dial 1-800-664-0771, as soon as you hear the Octel voice mail system, dial "0" and ask the operator for the conference call by title (as mentioned below).

End 5:00pm

Thursday 25 Jan 2007, Begin 9:00am

Remote Participation: Dial 1-800-664-0771, as soon as you hear the Octel voice mail system, dial "0" and ask the operator for the conference call by title (as mentioned below).

Welcome and where's the bathrooms?
Manoj Krishnan, PNNL

Rob Armstrong, SNL

The Next CCA Meeting in Salt Lake City
Steve Parker, Utah

Site Selection and Scheduling for January 2008
Rob Armstrong, SNL

Coronation of Rob Armstrong as Poohbah
Rob Armstrong (with sound effects by Jeeeeeeeeem)

Having been duly elected by the members of the Forum, Rob Armstrong will be officially sworn in for a two-year term as Chair of the CCA Forum. The inauguration speech is expected to present a new way forward for the CCA Forum.

David Bernholdt, Lois McInnes, Gary Kumfert, Rob Armstrong

A brief summary of what's been going on (technically) in TASCS since the October meeting.

Introduction to the Performance Engineering Research Institute (PERI) (PDF)
David Bailey, LBNL

David will provide an overview of the SciDAC2 PERI project, with which TASCS hopes to collaborate.

Introducing Cooperative Programming
John May and David Jefferson, LLNL

As newcomers, we present a short introduction to our research and technical interests as they relate to the CCA. We have been developing a MPMD component system based on Babel RMI. We're looking to build collaborations with the broader CCA community.

Ammeding the CCA-Forum Specification Procedure (PDF)
Gary Kumfert, LLNL

Gary will propose changes to the forum's procedures for ammending and publishing the CCA Specification. Gary will compare the forums's current procedures with other standards bodies (notably W3C and OMG), gather input from the floor, and submit motions to Quorum for final ratification.

CCA Event Service on a HPC Platform (PDF)
Ian Gorton, Daniel Chavarria, PNNL

Ian and Daniel will describe their experiences in designing and implementing the proposed CCA Event Service on a Cray XD1 using ARMCI

Paris Project Team: Programming Parallel and Distributed Systems for Large Scale Numerical Simulation Application
Supporting the Master-Worker paradigm in CCA (PDF)
Christian Perez, INRIA

The talk will introduce the research related to component models done by
the project-team PARIS (INRIA, Rennes, France), like NxM components and
automatic component deployment. The second part of the talk will be
about the support of the Master-Worker? paradigm in component models and
more particularly in CCA.

Scalability for a CCA Distributed Framework (PDF)
Kosta Damevski, U of Utah

A small project is underway at Utah to design a scalable distributed framework. I'll briefly talk about the design we are implementing and solicit opinions and suggestions.

CCA Forum Server Migration Update
David Bernholdt, ORNL

A Glimpse at Runtime Costs of Interface Contract Enforcement (PDF)
Tammy Dahlgren, LLNL

This talk presents preliminary results showing execution time costs of interface contract enforcement using the new global enforcement scheme. Data for single-component programs were collected using Babel-generated enforcement traces. The status of integrating these new capabilities into the Babel repository will be summarized.

Babel RMI Implementation using CORBA (PDF)
Nanbor Wang, Tech-X

I will present a brief review of recent progress in a Babel RMI library implementation using CORBA IIOP.

CCA 1.0 Release Criteria Task Force
Gary Kumfert, LLNL

The CCA specification must progress to a legitimate 1.0 release in a timely fashion. Babel was very successful with its process of publicly generating and maintaining its own 1.0 release criteria document. Gary will discuss how this worked for Babel, and areas where it will probably be different for CCA. Building on Ben's earlier work from the Spring 06 meeting, Gary will seek to constitute a task force to complete first draft of CCA 1.0 release criteria for the Spring meeting.

Bocca: A Rails-Like Tool to Make CCA Components Easy
Rob Armstrong (SNL),Wael Elwasif (ORNL),Ben Allan (SNL), Boyana Norris (ANL)

This is mainly a demo and some speculation on this tool's eventual functionality (demo if the code is in a running state, that is).

I'll briefly review recent progress in low-level integration of quantum chemistry packages and take a look at some mildly interesting performance data. How low can you go?

Porting to the CRAY XT3
Wael Elwasif, ORNL

The CCA Tools are working on the CRAY XT3! I will share a little of the experience with this port, many aspects of which will be relevant to other high-end systems (like Blue Gene/L). I will discuss some of the outstanding issues we need to address in order to make building and using the CCA Tools on such platforms routine.

End 5:00pm

Friday 26 Jan 2007, Begin 9:00am

Local Participation: Atrium Room (room change)

Remote Participation: Dial 1-800-664-0771, as soon as you hear the Octel voice mail system, dial "0" and ask the operator for the conference call by title (as mentioned below).
  • Telecon title: CCA MEETING
  • MeetingPlace ID 1276
  • We have only one phone line today to include remote participants. Please make your interests known on Thursday, when breakouts are being planned, so that we can satisfy as many people's requests as possible. If no one asks to participate remotely in any breakouts, we will not operate the telecon/MeetingPlace on Friday.

Breakout Sessions

9:00-10:30am Event Service (Gary, Kosta, Ian, Daniel)

9:00-10:30am (Phone) Contributing to the Toolkit: Discussion, Marching Orders & Details (Rob Armstrong)

It is time to contribute your component to the CCA Toolkit. We will discuss installation norms, quality control, and the possibility of a Sumo-like build for selected components.

10:30am-12:00n (Phone) CCA Specification Process (Gary Kumfert)

Deferred to telecon CCA Tutorial and Book (David Bernholdt)

End 12:00n

Created by: manoj77 last modification: Friday 26 of January, 2007 [16:02:14 UTC] by bernhold

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