Various Default Directory Trees$ createProject --ccafe-config=/usr/local/bin/cafe_config MonteCarloIntegratorProj $ cd MonteCarloIntegratorProj/ $ ls -F scripts/ components/ ports/ legacy/ utils/ README configure Now legacy needs to have a name change: I select external and utils and scripts should be combined (I choose to keep the scripts directory). Another concern is whether we should keep Now we have: $ createProject --ccafe-config=/usr/local/bin/cafe_config MonteCarloIntegratorProj $ cd MonteCarloIntegratorProj/ $ ls -F scripts/ components/ ports/ external/ README configure Ports Right now these directories are mostly empty. Least controversial is the Ports directory: $ ls -F ports/ MakeIncl_template.user Makefile include/ lib/ sidl/ $ ls -F ports/include/ *nothing* $ ls -F ports/lib/ c c++ f90 py java $ ls -F ports/sidl *nothing* This is identical to the unpopulated tutorial src at this moment. lib and include are autogened and built by the tutorial src infrastructure which can be lifted from the tutorial. The sidl directory is for SIDL descriptions of CCA Port's. Components This follows mostly the tutorial src as it is now. Created by: rob last modification: Tuesday 31 of October, 2006 [18:03:45 UTC] by rob |
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