Things to do for ACTS tutorial (Things which won't make it in time should go to the
SC05 Tutorial Worklist )
- Odin build of gfortran (Chris).
Status: gfortran build fails, we'll keep trying today (Friday). Bramley has ordered Intel Fortran compiler for odin and we'll have it by noon.
Update: the Intel Fortran has arrived, and now we have v 9.0 of both Fortran and C++. Those are stored in /opt/intel_fce_80 and /opt/intel_cce_80, believe it or not.
Status: A pure Intel version (Fortran and C++ from Intel) is in /san/cca/mpich_intelv9. This uses Bramley's "private" license until he can get the purchased license version running; keep using this one for now.
Status: c++ doc written and in CVS; needs debugging, needs matching software written, needs fortran expert to rewrite the fortran version.
- MPI sumo build docs (Rob/Ben)
- Array examples from Wael review (who?)
- Passing examples reviewed (who?)
- Build system appendix doc (Boyana)
- Build system revisions (Tom/Boyana)
- to do: add MakeIncl.user for ports
- to do: fix babel.make.all generation or switch to using package babel.makes