Toward a 1.0 Environment
What should 1.0 env be? (note implicit assumption that spec-only is not enough)
We need to start defining what's in, what's out, and why. Release date 1.1 Pre-Scidac2 1.2 During Scidac2 Binding 2.1 Babel 1.0 2.2 Neo,Classic,Lite Specification Features 3.1 Multiplexed uses ports 3.2 Fault tolerance 3.3 ParameterPort 3.4 GuiBuilderService 3.5 Event-service 3.6 Framework-particular event definition 3.7 Rule-processing for events service 3.8 ComponentRegistry 3.9 CreationService 3.10 MxN (PCI?) 3.11 FrameAccess? (better support for creating containers of component assemblies). Conformance Testing Suite 3.99 Needed Supported reference implementation(s) 4.1 SPMD/MPMD library-style components (ccaffeine) 4.2 Distributed (?) 4.3 All-in-one 4.4 Windows posix 4.5 Windows native 4.6 Binary distributions 4.7 RMI-over-mpi 4.8 Performant RMI Supported components 5.1 MPI 5.2 ParameterPortFactory 5.3 GUI 5.4 Parallel-to-distributed adaptor Supported tools 6.1 V 0.1 Eclipse/Babel/Cca plugin(s) release bundle 6.2 V 1.0 Proxy generators (performance, log-debug) 6.3 Chasm 6.4 Generating static executables Unsupported move from above items and add more here.
Created by: baallan last modification: Thursday 27 of April, 2006 [20:03:45 UTC] by bernhold |
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