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Summer 2007 Agenda

19-20 July 2007, Silver Spring, MD
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Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.

Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA.

Remote Participation Information

If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is
  • Telecon: See below for each session
  • MeetingPlace ID: See below for each session

Please keep an eye on the phone list in case we have to change the MeetingPlace ID during the meeting

If you're interested in participating remotely, please email to indicate what you're interested in.

PreMeeting: Subgroup Meeting on Computational Quality of Service (CQoS), Wednesday 18 July 2007
1:30pm - 5:30pm

Local Network SSID: hal9000

Remote Participation Information
  • Telecon: 877 701 0943 code 148036
  • MeetingPlace ID: 4465 (12:30pm-5:30pm ET)

Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL

Automated Selection of Integral Evaluators in Quantum Chemistry
Joe Kenny, SNL

A First Evaluation of Rule-based Dynamic Configuration of Load-balancers for AMR Simulations of Flows
Jaideep Ray, SNL

Adaptivity Features of Sparse Iterative Linear Algebra Kernels Represented as Components
Masha Sosonkina, Ames

CQoS Infrastructure in TAU
Alan Morris, U Oregon

CQoS Testbed: Simple Linear Solver Components Using SciPy
Andrea Berger, Clarion University (with Lois Curfman McInnes and Boyana Norris, ANL)

CQoS Infrastructure for Scientific Applications
Li Li, ANL

A Data Component for the CQoS Testbed & Testbed Discussions
Rob Armstrong, SNL

Discussions of Future Work

CCA Forum Meeting, Thursday 19 July 2007

Local Network SSID: hal9000

Remote Participation Information
  • Telecon: 877 701 0943 code 148036
  • MeetingPlace ID: 8998 (8:30am-5:30pm ET)

8:00am Working Breakfast
Participants to discuss their work for the day’s meeting, speakers to upload presentations, and discuss BOF plans. Breakfast will be cleared at 10am

Begin 9:00am

Welcome and Where are the Bathrooms
David Bernholdt, ORNL

Crucial logistical information for all attendees

Rob Armstrong, SNL

The Next CCA Meeting in San Francisco, CA
Rob Armstrong, SNL

Site Selection and Scheduling for the Meeting One Year from Now
Rob Armstrong, SNL

A Word from Our Sponsor
Fred Johnson, DOE

Slightly More Formal Introductions
Some of our newcomers have a few slides to help explain their interests and why they're here.

David Bernholdt, Lois Curfman McInnes, Gary Kumfert, Rob Armstrong

A brief summary of what's been going on (technically) in TASCS since the last CCA Forum meeting.

Babel Roadmap
Gary Kumfert, LLNL

A quick review of Babel release schedule and discussion to coordinate
these releases with SC|07 tutorials. Will also cover new features due
in the next 1.1.X release: especially structs in C and C++ bindings.

12:00pm-1:00pm Working Lunch
Discussions of the morning's presentations

Using Bocca: An Application Generator for CCA
Rob Armstrong, SNL

A run-through of Bocca and a short demo. Use case experiences regarding the component-ification of the DataHolder component for the CQoS testbed.

Progress on Bridging CCA and FACETS (Integrating FACETS and Babel)
Stefan Muszala, Tech-X

Progress on Component-Based Subsurface Simulation II (+/- I): Continuum Subsurface Reactive Transport
Yilin Fang, PNNL

Progress on Component-Based Subsurface Simulation I (+/- I): Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
Bruce Palmer, PNNL

Design and Prototype Implementation of MCMD Support in the SWIM IPS Framework
Samantha Foley, Indiana (summer intern at ORNL)

A presentation of work in progress to build multiple-component multiple-data (MCMD) features into the Center for the Simulation of RF Wave Interactions with Magnetohydrodynamics (SWIM) Integrated Plasma Simulator (IPS). This work has links to the CCA Event Service, the MCMD Working Group, and the Center for the Improvement of Fault Tolerance in Systems (CIFTS), another TASCS collaborator.

Component Research at LANL
Matt Sottile, LANL

A new, Contractor-based CCA Tools Build
Daniel Taylor, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania (with Boyana Norris, ANL)

References: Contractor, CCA Tools Build

End 5:00pm

CCA Forum Meeting: Friday 20 July 2007

Local Network SSID: hal9000

Remote Participation Information
  • Telecon: 877 701 0943 code 148036
  • MeetingPlace ID: 8998 (8:30am-12:00pm ET)
Note that we can only broadcast one BOF at a time, so if you have preferences on which to attend remotely, place send them to the phone list!

8:00am Working Breakfast
Participants to discuss their work for the day’s meeting, speakers to upload presentations, and discuss BOF plans. Breakfast will be cleared at 10am

Begin 9:00am

9:00am BOF: MCMD Working Group Council Room
Manoj Krishnan, PNNL

9:00am BOF: TASCS Usability Activities Annapolis Room (2nd floor)
Matt Sottile, LANL

10:00am BOF: Industry Partnership with CCA Council Room
Jonathan Bentz, Cray Inc.

11:00am BOF: Tutorial Council Room
David Bernholdt, ORNL

Box lunches will be available beginning 11:00am to allow those with early departures to continue participation in their discussions

End 12:00n

Created by: bernhold last modification: Saturday 21 of July, 2007 [18:19:34 UTC] by bernhold

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