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Summer 2006 Agenda

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CCA 2006 Summer Meeting, Knoxville, TN, July 27-28, 2006

Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.

Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA.

Remote Participation Information

If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is

Telecon 877 701 0943 code 148036

MeetingPlace ID: 6518 (note: changed on Thursday morning!)

If you're interested in participating remotely, please email to indicate what you're interested in.

Local Network Information

SSID: Zerowire
Username/Password: (in web browser) fotind / 6400

Thursday 27 July, Main Meeting Begins at 9:00am, Parkview A&B

8:00am - Working Breakfast - Preliminary Open Working Group Discussions
Food served across the hall - Agee Room - w/Omelet Station! :-D

Welcome and Does Tennessee Have Indoor Plumbing?
Jeeeeeeeeeeeem Kohl, ORNL

Rob Armstrong, SNL (Rob won't be around at this time — probably get there at 11-12-ish — so David will take over in his role as Vice Poobah).

The Next CCA Meeting at Argonne
Lois McInnes, ANL or designated surrogate

Site Selection and Scheduling for July 2007
Rob Armstrong, SNL

One Linear Solver Interface to Bind Them All
Fang (Cherry) Liu, ORNL and Indiana

10:00am - Break

Tech-X and CCA-related projects at Tech-X
Sveta Shasharina, Tech-X

Sveta will introduce the company, since Tech-X is a new CCA member.
She will also briefly describe existing Tech-X projects that could be of interest.

> ~11:00am Rob Armstrong: Poobah for Life?
Rob Armstrong

Rob will reveal that, in fact, he is the only thing the CCA has not approved of by vote. Emboldened by the startling success that the imposition of democracy has had on the international scene, we will discuss his plans for ending the years of tyranny by holding free and fair elections for this prestigious post. How the Poobah-ship should be handed over and what democratic institutions we will adopt are at issue (run-off elections? Vice Poobah?, swiftboating?). Nominations for the next Poobah will be sought at this meeting. Originally I wanted to have the elections at this meeting but it does not seem fair to the candidates to have to campaign and get elected in a day. Tentatively the election will proceed online or at the next CCA meeting. This question will also be discussed. A smoke-filled room will be made available for deal-making during Friday morning's BOF session.

Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!... biggrin

CCA at SC2006
David Bernholdt, ORNL

Things will be a lot different at SC this year. Not only do we not have a tutorial to obsess over for the first time in five years, but ORNL has changed to a completely different booth design, so the era of the "CCA Corner" is also over. I'll give you a peek at the new booth, and we'll discuss how to maximize our visibility and impact in this brave new world.

Noon - Working Lunch - Open Forum Discussions in Small Groups

Reactor Simulation at ORNL, GNEP and Related Topics
Valmor de Almeida, ORNL

Valmor gives an off-the-cuff presentation about his interest in CCA, which stems from an exploratory (LDRD) project in reactor simulation, preparatory to the GNEP initiative.

EVPath and Components
Dick Gaylor, Kennesaw

Dick is working with researchers at GA Tech on th EVPath project. He is interested in seeing how it might be used in a CCA/component context.

The CompFrame Workshop
Rob Armstrong, SNL

Rob reports on the most recent CompFrame workshop, and we discuss the future of CompFrame as a workshop and as a nascent international community of researchers in components and frameworks. There is a sign-up sheet to get on the Compframe Program Committee please contact Rob. Currently we are discussing whether Compframe should be partnered with Geco again and whether it should be attached to another (bigger) conference.

~2:30pm The SciDAC Center for Technology for Advanced Scientific Component Software (TASCS)
David Bernholdt, ORNL

I'll present a short overview/reminder as to where we plan to go with the next round of the SciDAC effort (assuming the awards are ever officially announced).

3:00pm - Break

TASCS "Kick-Off" Meeting
For all TASCS participants, and interested parties
Moderated by David Bernholdt, ORNL

We will have a series of presentations/discussions from the TASCS technical leads regarding
  • Work plans, especially emphasizing the first 1-2 years
  • Interactions with other groups within and outside the project
  • Dependencies on other activities
A key outcome of these discussions will be for each group to make plans on how to move forward, including setting schedules for future technical discussions, etc.

End 5:00pm

Friday 28 July, Main Meeting Begins at 9:00am, Parkview A&B

8:00am EDT - Working Breakfast - Open Working Group Discussions
Food served across the hall - Agee Room...

BOF Sessions

TimePhone RoomNon-Phone Room
9amUsability (Boyana)PCI (Randy)
10:30amSC06 Posters (David)
11amDist. Arrays (David)CQoS (Lois)

Note: Several BOFs are not expected to take a full hour, so times are likely to change.
Remote people, stay tuned to the phone list if you're interested.

Parallel Coupling Interface Whitepaper - Rob Armstrong, SNL; Randy Bramley, IU

Miscellaneous Usability Topics (Eclipse, tutorial (build), tools installation, etc.)
Boyana Norris, ANL

10:00am - Break

Distributed Arrays, Past, Present, and Future
David Bernholdt, ORNL

An off-the-cuff discussion of what's happened with distributed arrays in the past in CCA, current interests, and possible new opportunities.

SC06 Poster submission organizational meeting
David Bernholdt, ORNL

TASCS Breakout Discussions
As needed

Boxed Lunches Available for Working Lunch - Small Group Discussions
Food available for pick-up starting at 11:00am - including some Vegetarian (Tofu) Sandwiches! :-)

Formal Meeting Ends at 12:00n

Created by: bramley last modification: Thursday 11 of January, 2007 [15:30:55 UTC] by jeeembo

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