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Spring 2007 Agenda

Spring 2007 CCA Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah
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Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.

Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA.


Toolkit Coding Camp - Contact: Rob Armstrong
Starts: Monday, 16 April 2007, 1:00p
Ends: Wednesday, 18 April 2007, 5:00p
Location: Univ. Utah (more details later)

This coding camp is meant primarily for CCA Toolkit developers and contributors, but anyone who is working on CCA software is welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to get expert hands to help you with your code problems.

Remote Participation Information

If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is

  • Telecon: 877-701-0943 code 148036
  • MeetingPlace ID 4392
  • Jabber: (Note that GMail/GTalk provides free Jabber services too.)

The MeetingPlace session is scheduled to begin at 8:30am MT on both Thursday and Friday. Please keep an eye on the phone list in case we have to change the MeetingPlace ID.

If you're interested in participating remotely, please email to indicate what you're interested in.

CCA Forum Meeting, Thursday 19 April 2007
Begin 9:00am

Welcome and Where's the Bathrooms
Steve Parker, Univ. Utah

Rob Armstrong, SNL

The Next CCA Meeting in Silver Spring, Maryland
David Bernholdt, ORNL

Site Selection and Scheduling for April 2008
Rob Armstrong, SNL

David Bernholdt, Tammy Dahlgren, Gary Kumfert, Rob Armstrong

A brief summary of what's been going on (technically) in TASCS since the last CCA Forum meeting.

Call for Votes: Revised Standardization Process
Gary Kumfert (LLNL)

The proposal discussed in January has been formalized and is ready to be voted on Quorum.

Insights from Quantum Chemistry Land (PPT)
Joe Kenny, SNL

I'll briefly review recent progress in low-level integration of quantum chemistry packages and take a look at some mildly interesting performance data.

Update on Babel RMI with CORBA (PPT)
Roopa Pundaleeka, Tech-X

The presentation will give a brief description about the implementation of Non-blocking calls using TAO internal.

A 1,000 Foot View of Performance-Driven Interface Contract Enforcement
Tammy Dahlgren, LLNL

A brief look at patterns in the impact of early work on performance-driven interface contract enforcement will be presented. Results using runtime timing instrumentation versus simple, a priori cost estimates will be shown. More recent work using estimates from enforcement tracing will be deferred to the next CCA meeting.

Lunch 12:00n-1:30pm MT

Moving to ORNL, the Saga Continues
David Bernholdt (ORNL)

Progress is being made, albeit slowly. Upcoming activities are likely to be somewhat more disruptive to general collaboration. Briefly:
  • Monday: web services will move from LBL to ORNL
    • This will require Roundup and TikiWiki to be shut down for some time
  • Near future: Users will have to request accounts on the new server
    • We cannot simply transfer all accounts from LBL
  • Date to be Determined: Migrate CVS/SVN repositories
    • This will require an account on the new server to continue access!
I will explain in the presentation. Links used in presentation:

Fault Tolerance and the Common Component Architecture (PPT)
David Bernholdt (ORNL)

I will describe the (planned) work of the Center for Improvments in Fault Tolerance in Systems (CIFTS), and how it relates to the CCA. I would like to begin a discussion of the needs of CCA applications w.r.t. fault tol<CONNECTION CLOSED BY REMOTE HOST>

4:00pm MT

The First Bocca Release: Creating Applications, Components, and Build System in One Swell Foop, Wael Elwasif (ORNL), Boyana Norris (ANL), Rob Armstrong (SNL)

A look at the features and applicability of the initial Bocca code base and a discussion of future improvements. Friendly users are welcome.

5:00pm MT

CCA Forum: Friday 20 April 2007
Begin 9:00am

9:00am-10:30am MCMD Working Group
Manoj Krishnan (PNNL), Jarek Nieplocha (PNNL), David Bernholdt (ORNL)

Use cases and group management

10:30am-12:00n Tutorial Working Group
David Bernholdt (ORNL)

Discussion of revamping the tutorial

Created by: rob last modification: Saturday 21 of April, 2007 [16:58:14 UTC] by bernhold

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