PerComponentFileFormatbocca create component -l LANGUAGE COMPONENTNAME bocca change COMPONENTNAME --provides=PORTTYPE:PORTNAME bocca change COMPONENTNAME --uses=PORTTYPE:PORTNAME The only open issue in the above (bocca) is handling delegated ports and port-properties/component-properties. The component description files may have multiple sections and each section might have its own format. E.g. Package ptest { Component Foo in C++ { Provides hello.StringConsumerPort output1; Uses hello.TimePort t1; } Component Bar in C { Provides hello.TimeService clock%N dynamic=true; // %N indicates a number will be part of the runtime-generated port instance name. Provides hello.SyncService mysync dynamic=true delegated=true; // dynamic means 'not provided in setServices', delegated means not done by Class Bar inheriting interface SyncService and further that there will be a private data member mysync in the component that is the delegate provider. } Or in INI fashion, but I'm sure i must be breaking the INI conventions here; with minor extensions this is the language the Ccaffeine framework speaks to the gui to tell it what to draw. {Component.Foo} ImplementationLanguage=c++ {Provides.output1} type=hello.StringConsumerPort depends=sidl.string {Uses.t1} type=hello.TimePort {Component.Bar} ImplementationLanguage=c etc Created by: baallan last modification: Wednesday 03 of October, 2007 [16:50:31 UTC] by baallan |
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