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CCARB 2008-04-03

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2008 April 3 (Thursday) 10 am Pacific Time


NOTE: The meeting was eventually canceled since too many people were on travel.

  • Gary Kumfert, LLNL (CCARB) (Absent on travel)
  • Ben Allan, SNL (CCARB & WG Lead) (absent on travel); mpi: nothing to report- waiting on decaf, nesting: paper link reposted to next cca meeting agenda page- will present a path forward proposal at cca meeting.)
  • Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL (CCARB)
  • Masha Sosonkina, Ames Lab (CCARB)
  • Kostadin (Kosta) Damevski, Utah (WG Lead)
  • David Bernholdt, ORNL (TASCS, PI) (Absent on travel)


  1. Review minutes from last meeting
  2. Review action items from last meeting
  3. David's proposal for task force resources

Ben's notes

  • mpi: nothing to report- waiting on decaf
  • nesting: paper link reposted to next cca meeting agenda page- will present a path forward proposal at cca meeting.

David's thoughts on TF communications

  • Uniformity in naming/structuring collaborative resources facilitates unfamiliar users finding them
  • The CCA Forum already uses the term "Working Group" in an informal way. At one point in discussing the CCARB, someone had proposed "Task Force" as the name for the groups commissioned by the CCARB. I'm following that, but am open to other terms (even formalizing WGs).
  • Question: Does a TF need separate "internal" and "community" channels?
  • Proposal: Mailing lists of the form <name>-tf for internal discussions (or all discussions). <name>-tf-discuss for the community. (the "-tf-" is a bit awkward, but maintains a useful pattern.
  • Proposal: <name> be something short, but descriptive. Since CCARB is mostly dealing with new/revised services, most names will be of the form something-svc. For example, event-svc, mpi-svc, argument-svc, etc. (I would consider things like es-tf to be insufficiently descriptive.)
  • Proposal: The same nomenclature be used for web spaces. Whatever hierarchy sits above, it would end with <name>-tf. (Hard to implement precisely in current wiki, but will be easy in Plone)


Meeting was canceled since the meeting interfered with
the DOE Office of Science CS PI Meeting.

Action Items

Created by: kumfert last modification: Monday 14 of April, 2008 [23:24:13 UTC] by kumfert

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