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Babel Discussion
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This page is mainly for Babel discussion, suggestions for improvement, etc. Babel Install is a discusson page for Babel install issues specifically.

Babel Patches lists important patches to official Babel releases.

Babel on public machines documents or points to documentation concerning the availability of pre-installed Babel tools for general use on various massively parallel computers. If you regularly maintain such an installation, please tell the world about it here.

Babel's home page is a less dynamic source for information on Babel. Babel releases usually appear here. To request a new feature or report trouble with Babel, please use Babel's issue tracking system. You can also add items by sending email to

Babel Build Integration Notes collects information about using babel with autotools and other build systems.

Babel Testing collects info about status of and procedures used for automated testing.

Babel Structs is a discussion area for the design of structs.

Created by: system last modification: Wednesday 14 of February, 2007 [17:20:41 UTC] by tepperly

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