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Pending Issues

by damevski last modified Sep 12, 2008 01:32 PM

A list of things that need to be resolved regarding the Event Service specification.

  • Is a copy necessary for the Event object in the processEvent method of the EventListener interface (below)?
    interface EventListener {
      /** This is where event processing by a listener takes place. This
          is a call-back method that a topic subscriber implements and 
          gets called for each new event.
          @topicName - The topic for which the Event was created and sent.
          @theEvent - The payload.
      void processEvent(in string topicName, copy in Event theEvent);

    If a copy is not specified then if the Event is modified by one listener, it would affect all the other listeners to the same Event. On the other hand, copying may impact performance

  • Is a oneway needed in the processEvent method to improve performance in a distributed environment?

    oneway void processEvent(in string topicName, copy in Event theEvent);
  • Is a TypeMap sufficient as Event payload?

  • Should some of the topics be reserved for specific purposes (e.g. cca.*)?

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