last modified
Jul 19, 2009 01:02 PM
Where to find various types of documents about the Common Component Architecture
CCA Forum Document Repository
A (soon to be) comprehensive repository of CCA-related documents. Includes technical publications, presentations, project highlights, and other materials.
Technical Overviews
- Enabling Advanced Scientific Computing Software
- Provides a fairly brief overview of the Common Component Architecture and the work of the Center for Technology for Advanced Scientific Component Software (TASCS), one of the projects that contributes to the development of the CCA.
- A Component Architecture for High-Performance Scientific Computing
- A longer, more detailed overview of the Common Component Architecture
How To Guides (coming soon...)
- How to Construct a Statically Linked CCA Application
- CCA applications are typically built from dynamically linked libraries (the code part of the components). Some platforms (notably many high-end machines, like the Cray XT and IBM Blue Gene series) and other contexts require statically linked executables. Here's how to do it manually. A tool to automate the process is under development.
- How to Implement a Babel RMI Transport
- Babel RMI (remote method invocation) is design so that transport protocols can be plugged in easily. The default transport is a simple TCP socket-based protocol. Other available transports include CORBA IIOP, and RMIX.