SciDAC Application/SAP Collaborators
David E. Bernholdt
last modified
Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM
In alphabetical order by collaboration title
- CFRFS: Computational Facility for Reacting Flow Science — by Cindy Sonewald — last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM
- CFRFS seeks to develop a component-based toolkit to enable reacting flow simulations. TASCS contributes in terms of software design and load-balancing
- COMPASS: Community Petascale Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation — by Cindy Sonewald — last modified Oct 20, 2008 03:38 PM
- The focus of TASCS-COMPASS collaboration is the development of high-performance components for accelerator modeling, with initial emphasis on particle tracking, beam optics, and solvers for space charge models. Also, the selection and parameterization of accelerator components motivates TASCS work on computational quality of service (CQoS), a TASCS component technology initiative.
- FACETS: the Framework Application for Core-Edge Transport Simulation — by Cindy Sonewald — last modified Mar 09, 2009 07:16 PM
- Promote CCA technologies within FACETS
- GWACCAMOLE: GroundWAter CCA MOdeling Library and Extensions — by Cindy Sonewald — last modified May 03, 2009 04:09 PM
- The goal of this collaboration is to create a framework for hybrid subsurface simulations that mix different physical models to create simulations that model subsurface behavior across scales.
- QC-SAP: Chemistry Framework using Common Component Architecture — by Cindy Sonewald — last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM
- Employ the infrastructure of the Common Component Architecture to develop interfaces amongst major quantum chemistry packages, creating a flexible, community-based software development environment. A specific collaboration involves the use of general purpose quality of service infrastructure developed by the CCA forum to increase usability and performance of component-based chemistry applications.
- SWIM: Center for Simulation of Radio-Frequency Wave Interactions with Magnetohydrodynamics — by David E. Bernholdt — last modified Oct 21, 2008 08:36 AM
- A component-based approach to integrated plasma simulation.