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SWIM: Center for Simulation of Radio-Frequency Wave Interactions with Magnetohydrodynamics

by David E. Bernholdt last modified Oct 21, 2008 08:36 AM

A component-based approach to integrated plasma simulation.

Collaboration Status: Active

TASCS Contact: David E. Bernholdt, ORNL,

Collaboration Summary: The SWIM project is developing integrated modeling capabilities for plasma physics simulations as a stepping stone towards whole-device modeling of experimental tokamaks such as ITER.  The collaboration focuses on the development of component-based environments to facilitate the the creation of coupled plasma simulations.  This field poses particular challenges to the computational infrastructure.  First, because coupled simulation in this field is relatively new, so researchers need to be able to rapidly experiment with a variety of coupling schemes, requiring a simple, and highly adaptable framework.  Second, the available simulation codes are under active use and development in a variety of contexts, intrusive measures to componentize them only for use in SWIM would be counter-productive.  Third, the simulation codes in thise area vary widely in their parallel scalability -- some are strictly sequential, others scale modestly, others well, and in yet other cases, it is desirable to run many instances of a given code for analysis purposes.

Collaboration Notes: We are working with this SWIM project to design a lightweight, flexible Integrated Plasma Simulator (IPS) framework which is strongly based on component concepts, but is not currently CCA-compliant.  We are exploring multiple-component multiple-data execution models, based on the CCA MCMD work, to facilitate better resource utilization during large simulations.  In addition, we are collaborating with the CIFTS project to demonstrate application-level fault tolerance capabilities, also leveraging the CCA Event Service.

Collaboration Image URLs: n/a

Software Involved: Integrated Plasma Stimulator (IPS), CCA Event Service, MCMD interface

Collaboration URL: n/a

Partner Project URL:

Partner Project Sponsorship: DOE SciDAC Application/SAP

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