The Common Component Architecture Forum
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The CCA Forum is a group committed to defining a standard component architecture for high performance computing. Please email the webmaster for suggestions about this site.

Tutorial Working Group Internal Info Pages

This page is intended to provide reference info for those involved in the CCA Forum's Tutorial Working Group.  If  you're interested in contributing to the CCA's educational efforts, please send email to us at

Mailing List

To sign up for our mailing list, please visit

Hands-On Cluster Information

Randy Bramley has kindly arranged for us to use some Indiana University clusters for the hands-on portion of the clusters:

Contact Randy for accounts.

CVS Repository

Access to the group's CVS repository requires that you have an account on, and are a member of the cca-tutorial group.  If you need help with these issues, please email for help. Summaries of  CVS activity on all of these repositories on these repositories is sent to the tutorial-wg mailing list on a daily basis.

Important reminder: This repository naturally contains lots of binary files. Make sure you add binary files to the repository with cvs add -kb.


Module Description
tutorial Tutorial presentations, source code, and miscellaneous files.
archives Tree of past tutorial presentations ( Automatically updated when changes are committed to the repository.
proposals Archive of tutorial proposals, for those organizations that have required them.
website Tutorial web site ( Automatically updated when changes are committed to the repository.
docbook-tools Archive of docbook-related tools. This is the "source" of the tools added to the tutorial/hands-on tree.

Tutorial Web Spaces

The web tree is mapped into the /home/tutorial-wg/tutorial-web-root directory hierarchy with Apache alias directives and is maintained with an auto-update and -make arrangement tied to commits on the archives and website CVS repositories.

The web tree is mapped into the /home/tutorial-wg/public_html directory hierarchy.  I suggest that formal web pages go into the main /tutorials hierarchy, and that this space be used for informal/internal/temporary information exchange within the working group.