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What is the magic incantation that one has to speak to get tutorial/src/cca-spec/f90 to compile?

On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 14:31, Walsh, Edward wrote:
What is the magic incantation that one has to speak to get tutorial/src/cca-spec/f90 to compile?

This information is for the intel f90 version 8 compiler only:

Make sure that you have F90 compiled into the cca-tools.
To do this:
  • make sure that the F90 compiler, "ifort" is in your path.
  • read the README to understand how to do ./configure:
    • pay attention to the two config options:
    • make sure that the F90 lib is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (e.g. /opt/intel_fc_80/lib).

  • make sure that javac/java/jar is in your path.

After you build and install cca-tools put "/wherever/you/installed/cca-tools/bin" in your path.
Now back to the tutorial-src tree:
./configure --with-languages="c c++ f90 python" 

Afterwards you may wish to test the whole shebang with:
make check

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