Proposal status
MPIService has been available in Ccaffeine (in the ccaffeine package scope) since 1999. Two other implementations are now also available.
There are three implementations of proposed port MPIService:
MPIService in ccaffeine, by Ben Allan. (see
MPIService as a stand-alone, bocca-generated component available from the tutorial repository. (see
MPIService in Scijump by Kosta Damevski.
Pending an endorsement by CCARB, MPIService is ready to vote.
There is one (component) implementation of MPISetup, a port allowing reuse of the same service in communication agnostic frameworks such as decaf and ccaffeine (when not configured with built-in mpi support). The working group does not propose (or see the need to propose) making MPISetup a part of the CCA specification interfaces.