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MPI Service

by baallan last modified Oct 22, 2008 11:45 AM

Standards process information for component-wise access to MPI Communicator instances.

Draft mpiservice and mpiserver ports by baallan — last modified Apr 22, 2009 01:25 PM
Draft mpiservice and mpiserver ports in the gob namespace, since they are not yet official. mpiservice is what the typical mpi (or at least spmd) using component would access. mpisetup is the initialization port needed for an mpiservice implementation as a component to fill the basic use cases of an mpiservice implementation.
General notes on MPI handles in SIDL by baallan — last modified Apr 22, 2009 01:52 PM
MPI opaque handles require special, but simple, handle in SIDL. Here's how.
Proposal status by baallan — last modified Apr 22, 2009 12:49 PM
MPIService has been available in Ccaffeine (in the ccaffeine package scope) since 1999. Two other implementations are now also available.
Use cases for MPI communicator handles in CCA by baallan — last modified Apr 22, 2009 01:23 PM
The primary parallel context in MPI-based codes is defined by a communicator. Here are the two basic use-cases for a component to end up with a communicator.
Use cases for a MPIService implementation as a component by baallan — last modified Apr 22, 2009 01:46 PM
A component-based implementation of MPIService could be used in several ways by a framework implementor or application designer.
P2009-07-23-1 Proposal: MPI for CCA Components by baallan — last modified Jul 23, 2009 05:00 PM
Access to frame-scoped MPI communicators suitable for spmd and mcmd programming. Proposal approved by CCARB for Forum consideration.
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