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by Cindy Sonewald last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM

The collaboration between the TAU group at University of Oregon and the TASCS center has the goal of developing performance monitoring and analysis components, with emphasis on dynamic configuration and adaptation of computational components during the execution of a scientific application.

Collaboration Status:   Active

TASCS Contact:   Li Li, ANL, mailto:

Collaboration Summary: The collaboration is developing CCA-compliant performance monitoring and analysis capabilities based on TAU as part  of the CCA toolkit, so that CCA users can easily incorporate them into their framework.  A second point of interaction is developing component-based performance monitoring of scientific computational components, and performing analysis and prediction based on the performance data to help make runtime decisions about component reconfiguration and adaptation.  The collaboration has a particular emphasis on four  SciDAC applications: parallel mesh partitioning in combustion (CFRFS project, BES), managing resources in quantum chemistry (BES), and efficiently solving linear systems in fusion and accelerator models (FACETS project, FES, and  COMPASS project, HEP/NP/BES). The applications are motivators for TASCS research on computational quality of service.

Collaboration Notes: The initial plan of TASCS/TAU interactions is to extend and enhance PerfExplorer, an existing performance analysis tool developed by TAU group. The tool will be upgraded to meet performance analysis requirements of the motivating applications.  Specifically, TAU group proposes to:

1) perform the analysis on the data using PerfExplorer;

2) output some text file with performance analysis results, both direct predictions and formulas for predicting unknown values;

3) allow user code to read this file at runtime, and use it to make runtime decisions about components. 

Collaboration Image URLs:  n/a

Software Involved: TAU, PerfDMF, PerfExplorer, new CQoS infrastructure currently under development 

Collaboration URL: n/a

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