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by Cindy Sonewald last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM

SPARSKIT-CCA is a suite of CCA components for the iterative solution of sparse linear systems. Major components implement various preconditioners and accelerators available in the original SPARSKIT and its modern extension, ITSOL. The list of preconditioners may be easily extended due to the standard interfaces developed for SPARSKIT-CCA.

Collaboration Status: Active

Partner Project Contact: Masha Sosonkina, Ames Laboratory,

TASCS Contact: Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL,

Collaboration Summary: SPARSKIT, developed in the 90s by Yousef Saad at the University of Minnesota, is a basic toolkit for sequential sparse matrix computations and is widely used in scientific community. Written in Fortran 77 and having a cumbersome interface, it is considered a legacy code. Our objective is to enable its wider usage in modern applications and to facilitate further development of SPARSKIT.  By applying an object-oriented style of design, we have created a package that can be accessed by many different object-oriented programming languages.  There is also the possibility of writing extensions in these languages.  The interoperability problem has been addressed using Babel tool from LLNL, which enables the specification of SPARSKIT interfaces in an Interface Definition Language called SIDL.  The component interfaces (called Ports) are defined according to Common Component Architecture (CCA) requirements.

Collaboration Notes: Initial SPARSKIT components are complete. We are now extending functionality. 

Collaboration Image URLs: n/a

Software Involved: SPARSKIT, CCA tools

Collaboration URL:

Partner Project URL:

Partner Project Sponsorship: DOE non-SciDAC

Sponsorship Details: DOE non-SciDAC: ASCR

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