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by Cindy Sonewald last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM

Collaboration Status:  Active

TASCS Contact: Dan Quinlan, LLNL,

Collaboration Summary: The Babel and Rose teams have actively collaborated and shared a postdoc in the past on an internal project. They continue to pursue opportunities to continue that joint work. The Rose project continues to use Babel to wrap their Sage III IR for some of their Java-based software visualization tools. It has also been suggested that Rose would be a likely tool to use in the CScADS collaboration if that ever shifts from pending to active.

Collaboration Notes:


Collaboration Image URLs: n/a

Software Involved: Babel & Rose

Collaboration URL: n/a

Partner Project URL:

Partner Project Sponsorship: DOE non-SciDAC, Other

Sponsorship Details:

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