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CScADS: Center for Scalable Application Development Software

by Cindy Sonewald last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM

Developing software optimization techniques that are applicable to multi-language and component-based applications.

Collaboration Status: Pending

TASCS Contact: John Mellor-Crummey, Rice,

Collaboration Summary: Babel generates code that allows one component written in a particular language to be callable from any other language. However, it does not (and can not) know the context from which these calls are made and optimize for them. Traditional compiler optimization strategies can, but are not robust enough to optimize through the strata of distinct programming languages found in the call-stack of a component-based application. This collaboration was initiated to explore more exotic optimization techniques for this more complex software optimization challenge.

Collaboration Notes:

June 2007 (SciDAC '07)
Initial meeting with interested parties from Chemistry and Meshing (ITAPS).
November 2007 (Supercomputing '07)
ScADS reported back on findings from Babel code and sample applications. A plan of attack is formulated, funding is in place, but staffing is limiting factor. (Industry is hiring compiler talent for multicore programming development.)

Collaboration Image URLs: n/a

Software Involved: Babel

Collaboration URL: n/a  Mailing list a href="">

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Partner Project Sponsorship: SciDAC CET/Institute

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