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CCA Forum

by Cindy Sonewald last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM

A community organization for the development and promotion of the Common Component Architecture

Collaboration Status: Active

TASCS Contact: Rob Armstrong, SNL

Collaboration Summary: The CCA Forum is the community organization for the development and promotion of the Common Component Architecture.  TASCS members participate in and support the Forum, as do researchers from many other projects.

Collaboration Notes: The CCA Forum was established in 1998 as a grassroots initiative by a group of researchers from national laboratories and universities.  Forum members obtained the first funding for the development of the CCA through the SciDAC program's Center for Component Technology for Terascale Simulation Software (CCTTSS).  Participation in the Forum has now grown well beyond the core SciDAC team, as interest and use of the CCA have grown.  To support this community, TASCS provides the CCA Forum's collaboration server,, and other resources.

Collaboration Image URLs: n/a

Software Involved: n/a

Collaboration URL: n/a

Partner Project URL:

Partner Project Sponsorship: Other

Sponsorship Details: Community Organization

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