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APDEC: Applied Partial Differential Equations Center

by Cindy Sonewald last modified Jun 01, 2008 05:08 PM

This collaboration seeks to integrate Chombo, APDEC block-structured adaptive mesh package, into the CFRFS toolkit for reacting flow simulations. This collaboration involves wrapping a part of Chombo into a CCA component so that it can function as a part of the CFRFS Toolkit.

Collaboration Status: Active

TASCS Contact: Jaideep Ray, SNL,

Collaboration Summary: The project seeks to incorporate Chombo as a CCA component into the CFRFS toolkit for reacting flow simulations. Chombo is designed as a framework itself, has its own data structures and thus has a preferred manner of usage where its data structures and solvers can be exploited to the full . The challenge lies in extracting parts of Chombo and wrapping them so that they can be used by a set of CCA components which follow are very different design pattern, but nevertheless share some very fundamental aspects e.g. data layout in Fortran fashion, numerical operations on a rectangular patch-by-patch basis etc. These commonalities give us confidence that Chombo can be used within the the CFRFS Toolkit without having to resort to a complete rewrite.

Collaboration Notes: The collaboration is still new, having started in earnest in October 2007. We have identified a few crucial Chombo objects which have to be recreated within an adaptive mesh CCA component. This component will reuse all Chombo primitives (i.e. all geometrical and parallel computing aspects of Chombo will be used in their entiriety); differences lie in how the numerical scheme and parallel data manipulation are orcestrated. These "new" objects are being coded, with guidance from APDEC members.

Collaboration Image URLs: n/a

Software Involved: Chombo, CFRFS Toolkit,  CCAFFEINE

Collaboration URL:  n/a

Partner Project URL:

Partner Project Sponsorship: SciDAC CET

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