Winter 2009 Agenda

Please feel free to edit your agenda items. If you want to add an agenda item, go ahead but please let Rob Armstrong know. If it seems that your item has disappeared (and we didn't discuss it) look harder, it may have been rearranged into a different slot. If it still doesn't seem to be there, someone (probably Rob) deleted it by mistake. Let Rob know.

Newcomers to the CCA Forum are strongly encouraged to present a short introduction to their research and interests as they relate to the CCA.

Remote Participation Information

If you plan to call in to the meeting, please sign yourself up for the mailing list. This is where coordination will take place, last-minute information will be posted, etc. The signup page is

Please keep an eye on the phone list in case we have to change the MeetingPlace ID during the meeting

If you're interested in participating remotely for specific topic only, please email to indicate your interests.

See below for details of start times and access codes for the telecon and MeetingPlace.

Meeting Hotel: Hotel Monaco, 501 Geary Street at Taylor, San Francisco, CA

TASCS All-Hands Meeting, 21 Jan, Room: Paris North

7:45am MeetingPlace session 2118 starts.

7:55am Telecon starts: 877 701 0943 code 148036
7:55am Welcome and Where are the Bathrooms
Rob Armstrong

8am - 9am WORKING Continental Breakfast

8:00am Technology Initiatives (30 min each) notes by Wael Elwasif and Joe Kenny
  • Computational Quality of Service, Lois McInnes, ANL
  • Software Quality and Verification, Tammy Dahlgren, LLNL
  • High Performance Computing, Manoj Krishnan for Jarek Nieplocha, PNNL

9:30am CCA Environment (30 min each) notes by Kosta Damevski and Jim Kohl
  • Core Support, Ben Allan, SNL
  • Enhancements, Tom Epperly, LLNL
  • Usability, Matt Sottile, UO

11:00am CCA Toolkit, Rob Armstrong, SNL, notes by Sveta Shasharina and Alan Sussman

11:30am User and Application Outreach and Support, David Bernholdt, ORNL, notes by Sveta Shasharina and Alan Sussman

12:00n-1:00pm Lunch on your own. Please return on time!

NOTE: Need two more note takers for afternoon sessions. Preferably people who aren't presenting during these sessions.

1:00pm Collaboration Updates (10 min each)
notes by Ben Allan and Matt Sottile

notes by Tammy Dahlgren and Kevin Huck

notes by Jay Larson and Kosta Damevski

End 5:10pm local time

Dinner on your own

CCA Forum Meeting, 22 Jan, Room: Paris North

8am Welcome and Where are the Bathrooms
Hosts: Rob Armstrong

8am - 9am Continental Breakfast

8:45am MeetingPlace session 1943 starts.

9am Telecon starts: 877 701 0943 code 148036

9am Introductions
Rob Armstrong, SNL

The Next CCA Meeting in the DC Area
Next Host: David Bernholdt, ORNL

Site Selection and Scheduling for the Meeting One Year from Now
Rob Armstrong, SNL

David Bernholdt

A brief summary of what's been going on (technically) in TASCS since the last CCA Forum meeting.

Describing Coupled Systems and Quantifying Coupling Complexity
Jay Larson, ANL

Multiphysics and multiscale systems rely on coupling multiple codes. I have formulated a set of descriptions for these systems, their data interactions, and an associated set of complexity metrics. This has been done for a uniprocessor architecture, and has been extended to include effects of concurrency.

Component Infrastructure of CQoS and Its Application in Scientific Computations
Li Li, ANL

In this talk, I will present new database and analysis components of CQoS that support management and analysis of performance and associated meta-information and their usage in quantum chemistry and nonlinear solvers.

Loads Balanced with CQoS
Nicole Lemaster, SNL

The ability to swap simulation components on-the-fly to maintain
optimality makes the CCA toolkit an ideal environment for CQoS work. I
will describe how extending the mesh component to three dimensions will
allow the tackling of more difficult problems and the development of
suitable control systems.

11:15am-1:00pm Lunch on your own, enjoy San Francisco

Building an Electron Cloud Simulation using Bocca, Synergia, TxPhysics and Tau Performance Tools
Stefan Muszala, Tech-X Corporation

1:45pm (for Bruce Palmer) Towards a Framework for Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling & Simulation
David Bernholdt, ORNL

My perspective on the role of component and framework technology in an effort to improve modeling & simulation capabilities within the nuclear energy community.

CheaterBar: An HDF5 Proxy Component for Capturing, Replaying, and Comparing CCA Method Invocations
Jay Billings, ORNL

As a learning exercise, I implemented a simple proxy generator that can capture and record method invocations through a CCA interface. I would like to present my approach to the community and get some feedback on how to turn it into a general tool for debugging, testing, etc.

Components and Cybersecurity
Rob Armstrong, SNL

While Cybersecurity sounds dull, their are few fields that more quickly draw the researcher onto the ragged forefront of mathematical physics and complexity theory. Rooted in Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem and Undecidability, little can be done to discover or patch security holes in arbitrary programs. Strangely, a standard statistical ensemble combined with a form of genetic algorithms where the gene's phenotype is a component may offer an answer.


  • CQoS Chemistry

  • Proxy generation and capture/replay component
End 5:00pm local time

Dinner on your own

6:00pm Meet in lobby for dinner with Gary Kumfert. Moroccan.

CCA Forum Meeting: 23 Jan, Room: Paris North

Remote Participants: Please email David if you want to participate in a BOF. Otherwise he won't bother setting up the phone gear.

8am Announcements, BOF Planning

8am-9am Continental Breakfast

8:45am MeetingPlace session 1943 starts.

9am Telecon starts: 877 701 0943 code 148036

9am Birds of a Feather Sessions

  • OnRamp and Typemaps

  • Daemonizing Babel

End 12:00n local time

Created by: baallan last modification: Wednesday 04 of February, 2009 [15:08:57 UTC] by bernhold

The original document is available at