CCA Specification

CCA Specification And Process

CCA Specification

CCA specifications are written in the Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) which is the input language to Babel.

An archive of older CCA specifications is available here.


A new, multi-stage specification process was approved in 2007 by Motion53 on Quorum. Implementation started in early
2008. The three main elements of this change are:
  1. Multi-stage standardization process
  2. Task Forces with clearly defined charter and chair to shepherd changes through the process.
  3. CCA Review Board ( CCARB ): to oversee task forces.


  • Viewgraphs Original pitch to create CCARB at Jan '07 CCA meeting.
  • Motion53 Reprint of the document instituting a multi-stage standardization process, Task Forces, and the CCARB.
  • CCARB Pages

Other (Older) Links

Created by: system last modification: Wednesday 09 of January, 2008 [17:50:46 UTC] by kumfert

The original document is available at