The Common Component Architecture Forum
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The CCA Forum is a group committed to defining a standard component architecture for high performance computing. Please email the webmaster for suggestions about this site.
Wed, 08 Nov 2006

CCA at SC2006

If you're interested in the Common Component Architecture, stop by and see us at SC2006 in Tampa!

For all the details, see our CCA SC2006 Activities handout. We look forward to seeing you!


Fri, 05 Nov 2004

CCA at SC2004

If you're interested in the Common Component Architecture, stop by and see us at SC2004 in Pittsburgh! We've got

  • tutorials on Babel (language interoperability) and the overall CCA environment on Sunday and Monday,
  • a presence in ten different booths in the Exhibit Hall offering a wide range of demonstrations and more!

For all the details, see our CCA SC2004 Activities handout. We look forward to seeing you!


Fri, 30 Jul 2004

The new CCA Web Pages

The CCA web pages have been reworked. Please send any broken links or bugs to the webmaster.

So far, news can be posted by members with access to the web source files. This is done by copying a plain text file with extension .txt under the directory "News". The first line of the file is the title of the news. HTML markers can be used.


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