The CCA Core Specification In A Distributed Memory SPMD Framework
Benjamin A. Allan, Robert C. Armstrong1, Alicia P. Wolfe, Jaideep Ray
Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore California, {baallan,rob,apwolfe,jairay}
David E. Bernholdt and James A. Kohl
Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Oak Ridge Tennessee {berholdtde,kohlja}
We present an overview of the CCA core specification and CCAFFEINE, a Sandia National Laboratories framework implementation compliant with the draft specification. CCAFFEINE stands for CCA Fast Framework Example In Need of Everything; that is, CCAFFEINE is fast, lightweight, and it aims to provide every "framework service" by using external, portable components instead of integrating all services into a single, heavy framework core. By fast, we mean that the CCAFFEINE glue does not get between components in a way that slows down their interactions.
We present the CCAFFEINE solutions to several fundamental problems in the application of component software approaches to the construction of SPMD applications. We demonstrate the integration of components from three organizations, two within Sandia and one at Oak Ridge National Lab. We outline some requirements for key enabling facilities needed for a successful component approach to SPMD application building.
Keywords : Common Component Architecture, high performance computing, CCAFFEINE, peer components, SPMD, framework.
Currently, the dominant means for writing HPC programs is to create a "hero" code, where all of the numerical and domain-specific algorithms are hand tooled into a single monolithic application which also includes many generic support routines. Usually one or possibly a few people are active contributors to the code, and they are the only ones intimately familiar with that code. This state of affairs has the effect of limiting the size and scope of parallel simulations to what a handful of people can produce. Although parallel machines are almost commonplace, thanks to the advent of usable cluster technology, the ability to take advantage of them is limited largely to embarrassingly parallel (EP) implementations. The most widespread examples are parallel web servers and especially search engine clusters.
Currently, separate HPC codes recreate and debug the same parallel algorithms from scratch. Also, the operation and maintainence of the code relies on the knowledge contained in the minds of just a few individuals. The open source movement has been startlingly successful at pulling together programmers from disparate fields and locales to work on a single highly complex piece of code. Although this movement had its beginnings in the very university and scientific marketplace that also developed with HPC, one cannot imagine how an open source approach could be used to create a complex HPC application using today's practices in parallel programming. Parallel HPC is still the province of a few "hero" programmers willing to take responsibility for everything that occurs within the application.
We propose that the solution is to adopt modularization, i.e. componentization. There are a host of examples for this in the commercial world. There are examples of programs in the scientific domain that exhibit wide-spread cooperation on a single code system: AVS, Matlab, netlib, [1-3] and a host of other largely serial scientific subroutine libraries. These have contributions from a wide community of researchers in their respective fields. However, parallel computing has characteristics that resist the modularization which makes wide-spread cooperation possible.
By definition, data shared by components must be spread across multiple processors to which all components must have access. Second, the mechanism for connecting components together must preserve performance and be free from the insulating glue layers common in commercial frameworks and component systems. The latter is the most difficult to overcome. Each component must be aware that the per-processor decomposition of the data exists and must conform its particular computation to that decomposition. Redecomposing the data to suit each component will degrade performance prohibitively.
There are a number of parallel scientific software frameworks that seek to overcome these problems. POOMA, Sierra, Overture, HYPRE, GrACE, PetSC, and Uintah [4-12] are all frameworks for parallel computing that provide a system to automate parallel computations restricted to a particular scientific or numerical domain. POOMA, HYPRE, and PetSC provide a data model for the processor decomposition, allowing for user initialization and access to that data and providing primitives in the form of function calls or language constructs to create a parallel program. In each case these frameworks provide primitives at the top layer that will invoke labor saving machinery underneath to get the parallel work done transparently.
Grace [9,10] and Uintah [12] are probably the closest to the work described here. Grace, has no underlying component model but does not preclude it. It provides a data model and an interface for other code modules to use. How the work is synchronized and otherwise orchestrated is up to the user. It does not attempt to provide numerical primitives beyond that which its structured mesh data model provides. Uintah is the most similar to the framework we present here named CCAFFEINE. It shares with CCAFFEINE the idea of single component multiple data (SCMD) style of parallel computing, exploiting a peer component model. This is not by accident since both strive to be compliant with the emerging Common Component Architecture standard [13]. Generally, Uintah seeks to be a more heavyweight framework that provides many services in support of its components. CCAT [14] is another CCA compliant framework focussing on distributed object style computing in a HPC context. Though its domain of applicability, Internet-style distributed computing, is orthogonal to the work presented here, the CCAT design has a lightweight CCA-compliant framework implementing the provided services with (sometimes rather heavy) components.
In this paper we will present explorations with concepts in object-oriented peer components for parallel computing using the Common Component Architecture standard. Although the POOMA and OVERTURE frameworks for parallel computing are object-oriented, they are not based on peer components. In the peer component model, components are viewed as equal participants rather than as elements in an inheritance hierarchy. This peer approach is familiar in commercially available component systems and has become hugely successful in that arena. Visual Basic, Java Beans, the CORBA Component Model, and to a lesser extent, Enterprise Java Beans (now renamed to EE2J) [15-18] all are examples of this approach. In particular, Java Beans is a good example because it requires almost no supporting infrastructure, just a component specification for attaching one bean to another. Arguably, the feature that all these component models share that has lead to their success, is the ease with which more components can be added: their extensibility.
CCAFFEINE consists of less than 200 lines of code for just the component-connecting glue logic of the framework. This framework, along with some additional code for parameter setting, is all that is necessary to link components together and bring them into a executable state. As mentioned, there is missing functionality that the more heavy-weight system approaches provide, and this must be made up by specialized components. Admittedly, this approach is much less automatic than the system approaches mentioned above. The hope is, however, that what it lacks in built-in features, it makes up for in extensibility.
This is a brief overview of the component model and composition mechanisms which the CCA specification provides. Our intention is to provide enough information about the CCA specification to describe how CCAFFEINE, our CCA compliant framework, uses it to compose SPMD applications from components. SPMD parallel computing is arguably the most widely used pattern in HPC. Being able to compose SPMD applications from CCA components is a sizable reason for the existence of the CCA, and it is the sole reason for creating CCAFFEINE. The specification consists of two parts:
the core specification, which allows an abstract interface presented by one component to be used by another, and
standard ports, standard interface specifications that are exported to components from a CCA compliant framework or other components.
As of this writing, only the core specification has been approved [19].
There are two primary CCA specification features that are relevant to this work:
The Uses/Provides connection design pattern that allows one component to invoke another component's methods.
The CCA Component interface that requires only a single method be added to an existing object class to make it a CCA component.
In comparison to other component models and systems, the CCA architecture is lightweight and simple to use. It is normally viewed as an add-on to existing parallel software, bringing a measure of interoperability to otherwise monolithic HPC codes. It is hoped that the small "surface area", the single interface and its member function constituting the component model, will make the CCA standard attractive for scientists and engineers to use for new parallel codes as well. The CCA mechanisms can also be used to bridge between compliant HPC components and more familiar component systems, such as Java Beans or the new CORBA Component Model.
Most importantly, the CCA specification allows the preservation of performance. While the CCA interface exchange mechanism admits interfaces (Ports) that are proxies for remote objects, its default CCAFFEINE behavior is to move interfaces directly from one object to another. This makes the latency overhead for using components equivalent to one virtual function call when using C++. The specification avoids dictating anything about communication to processes outside the current address space (i.e. outside the current process) in which the component is instantiated. This gives the widest possible latitude to the developer of an HPC component in selecting the message-passing, shared memory and other communication mechanisms required by the algorithms being encapsulated.
Figure 1 illustrates the CCA mechanism for connecting two peer components together using the Provides/Uses design pattern. A framework-generated Services object, encapsulating framework services, is given to each component immediately after instantiation (the green Service box inside each blue component).
The components add interfaces (Ports) they are going to export to the outside world to the Services object.
Each component also registers, with the Services object, ports that it will need.
The user framing the application then causes the framework to "connect" the two components resulting in the provided port being transferred to the second using component's Services object.
The second component then uses its Services object to retrieve the port provided by the first. The retrieved port is now available for use by the second component (Component 2).
The single program multiple data (SPMD) pattern of parallel computing is certainly the paradigm of choice for high-performance computing. This can be defined as a single identical program for each participating process, where the data acted upon by that program varies across the processes. Here we make a trivial extension to that pattern and sub-divide the program into peer components. Each peer CCA Component instance is representable by a single local memory pointer. A peer component communicates via Ports with other components in the same address space and communicates via a process-to-process protocol (e.g. MPI) within its cohort, the SCMD (Single Component Multiple Data) set of corresponding components on all P processors. We assume that there are no Port connections or messages passed between different components instantiated on different processors, that is no diagonal lines are allowed in Figure 2.
In the next section we describe how CCAFFEINE, our CCA-compliant framework composes SPMD applications from components. The ability to compose such HPC applications is a major reason for the existence of CCA and the sole one for CCAFFEINE.
Creating a single CCA-compliant framework that supports all possible parallel architectures both equally and well is a tremendously daunting task. Therefore, we limit our effort with CCAFFEINE to:
creating a framework and programming model that supports the distributed memory message passing SPMD computing architecture.
supplying most framework services via other components.
We make the following key assumptions in our SCMD model :
The CCA framework part of CCAFFEINE is written in C++ and one front end is a graphic user interface written in Java. In the CCAFFEINE framework, it is assumed that each component object is instantiated in parallel, on every participating processor. SPMD components can be connected together in any way so long as the network of connections is identical on each processor. All component instances and the framework reside within a common process thread for each participating processor. All connections are made directly by passing ports (pointers to pure virtual interfaces) according to the CCA specification. Figure 2 shows a network of connected components residing in the same address space in a configuration that is identical on every participating processor. This means that within a participating processor, each component is at most a virtual function call away from its connected peer components.
Because message-passing is a defining part of many parallel algorithms, components that encapsulate those algorithms for future use must be allowed the greatest latitude to communicate with the other instances in their cohort. For a component framework to be portable in the HPC arena, it must not dictate too strictly how and when communication is done. For this reason, the only stipulation on communication is that a component is restricted to communicating in a SPMD fashion within its own cohort. CCAFFEINE is uninvolved with this communication.
The CCAFFEINE framework is structured in such a way that each processor has its own instance of the framework. The framework can be viewed as a container, or a component that holds other components. This per-process framework has no need to know of its cohort on other processors, and it is not required to communicate with them. Indeed this view of SPMD frameworks points the direction for aggregating large scale integrated applications on parallel processors. It is generally recognized that peer component models, parallel and otherwise, must have a container concept to scale to large and complex applications.
Though the SPMD framework is the functional and most important part of CCAFFEINE, a mechanism must be provided to bootstrap the system and to communicate with it from a single source interactively or in batch. It is an important part of the CCAFFEINE design philosophy that all of the component interactions behave as if it were a serial application. We followed the basic model-view-controller pattern to separate several interactive user interface implementations and parsers from the CCA framework implementation. The SPMD framework accepts string commands (see [22] for an example) and arguments for instantiating and connecting components. These can be typed from a terminal for debugging, but usually the commands are received over a socket. The command syntax is line-oriented.
Since we wish only a single controller, commands must be multiplexed and committed to every processor in the same order, so that the pattern of the components and interconnections remains identical on all of the participating processors. This string-based interactive system avoids the necessity of assembling all the components during the framework link, and it preserves the ability to represent the program as a batch script. The interaction sequence proceeds as follows :
a command-line or equivalent graphic user interface (GUI) is connected to the MuxingProcess via a socket or stdin as shown in Figure 3(a), and
strings received are duplicated and fanned out to each of the SPMD frameworks on the participating processors.
The SPMD frameworks perform their actions, with presumably identical results, and report back through the socket.
The MuxingProcess compresses this response and emits a single result back to the command line, deleting the duplicates. In this way each participating process, except for the MuxingProcess, can remain aloof to the existence of the parallel nature of the machine. We confine the information regarding the true parallel nature of the machine within the MuxingProcess.
A number of questions arise as to the efficiency and efficacy of this arrangement:
What if there is a problem on one processor and the results from one SPMD framework instance do not sufficiently match the others?
As currently implemented the CCAFFEINE framework will exit as no fault tolerance is built in. The MuxingProcess, however, has a plug-in capability to filter the incoming and outgoing streams, and thus more sophisticated behavior is possible. For now we take the view that if the parallel machine is working properly there will never be a disparity in returned string results. Thus if the parallel machine is broken, fixing it in software should not be attempted.
The MuxingProcess is written to be self-similar. MuxingProcesses can be cascaded in a fat tree as shown in Figure 3(b) or even a hypercube. While not linearly scalable, this mechanism will produce fan-ins and fan-outs in ~log2P time, P being the number of processors. This is commonly accepted as "scalable enough" in parallel computations. At any event, this multiplexed communication is only used for setup and management of the overall process. It is not the mechanism for communication that the components are expected to use, and therefore does not need to be high-performance.
What if a process needs to be deleted or moved, or what if the user wants to probe the value of the data on a particular processor?
Currently CCAFFEINE does not provide for this sort of behavior, but it is something that the software design should support. Here expanding the MuxingProcess would enable routing requests to a particular SPMD framework peer or a subset of peers. This is in keeping with the current design by concentrating all of the parallel information in the MuxingProcess. Probing general user data, data other than that concerning the assembly of the components, is of course the province of another snooping or steering component, not the framework.
Though the framework can be used in a command line mode, a Java front-end GUI (Figure 5 and 6) is provided with CCAFFEINE that models the CCA Uses/Provides design pattern with a simple visual metaphor. The GUI is separable from the SPMD C++ framework and runs in its own process. Like the SPMD framework, the GUI is unaware that it is orchestrating the actions of possibly thousands of identical processes on a large cluster. The GUI only knows how the Uses/Provides design pattern works. It issues the appropriate string commands in response to the user's mouse activities. The GUI just takes the place of typing in a script syntax at the keyboard. This keeps the CCAFFEINE design simple by organizing it into separable and interchangeable parts. Debugging is also simplified because a test system can be run on a single workstation by pairing the GUI and a single SPMD framework. Barring errors in the parallel implementation of the components themselves, the user can do this knowing that the entire massively parallel component system will behave in exactly the same way as a single process workstation. The GUI also provides a scripting facility that logs the user actions and writes them to a re-loadable script. Thus the system is designed to accommodate a variety of front ends, all of which using the line-oriented command strings at their back end.
Taken together, the front-end, GUI and the SPMD framework provide a way to compose and run parallel simulations dynamically. We expect that the use of a parallel machine in this dynamic fashion would be initially limited to small clusters, and then only for experimentation, debugging and testing. Once a script is successful on that platform, it could be run in batch mode on a large machine, using the queuing system that it normally provides. The CCAFFEINE framework and the example code in the following section make a strong case for a better way to develop and debug HPC simulations, even if its interactive use is confined to a single processor or a small cluster.
In this section we described the CCAFFEINE CCA framework implementation and the architecture of its builders and controller. In the next section we present a non-trivial application successfully implemented by the composition of CCA components in the CCAFFEINE framework.
This section will present a concrete example of how non-trivial scientific simulation codes can be assembled from CCA-compliant components. The particular physical problem chosen is a reactive-diffusive system. These systems are representative of a variety of physical systems (e.g. flames), manifest moving coherent structures (e.g. fronts) and are characterized by two vastly different sets of time and spatial scales associated with diffusion and reaction. The need to resolve the entire spectrum in a simulation places a severe challenge on numerical methods and computational infrastructure.
This parallel simulation facility was developed to satisfy the following requirements:
To prove the feasibility of constructing large multi-physics, parallel codes from stand-alone components (each, for example, implementing a particular simulation functionality, physical model or numerical method) and interoperating with other components with a minimum of customization.
To provide a test bed to develop and test other components that implement numerical methods (e.g. linear solvers, stiff-system solvers etc.).
To provide examples to other scientists/engineers of the component-paradigm of developing simulation codes and to begin collecting a critical mass of components for others to use and expand on while developing their codes.
The physical system can be thought of as a bi-material plate covered by a homogeneous mixture of two gases, A and B. The plate consists mainly of a material with very low heat conductivity with a "channel" of another material with higher conductivity (Figure 4(a)). The conductivity at any point on the plate is proportional to the fourth power of the local temperature and inversely proportional to the third power of Z, a material constant, roughly analogous to thermal resistance. At the beginning of the simulation, three regions of high temperature (with a Gaussian temperature distribution) are defined on the plate, two at the interface of the high- and low-conducting regions and one completely inside the higher-conducting channel (Figure 4(b)). As the heat diffuses through the channel, (A + B) react exothermically to form AB. The liberation of heat behind the diffusing front augments the temperature gradient and also increases the temperature.
The physical system is modeled using one reaction-diffusion equation for the evolution of temperature and one for the evolution of the concentrations of each of the three species, A, B and AB. Equal molecular weight have been assumed for both A and B along with equal diffusivities. Z is 10 in the red area (Figure 4(a)) or alternatively, in hatched area (Figure 4(b)) and 100 elsewhere. The full details of the equations are given in [22].
The system is modeled with two chemical reactions, each with its own Arrhenius rate. The two equations are A + B producing AB and a reverse reaction AB + B producing A + 2B. The activation energy for the forward reaction is seven times smaller than that for the reverse reaction - all other reaction rate parameters are the same.
The plate is adiabatic and a zero-gradient boundary condition is imposed for each of the dependent variables. At time t = 0 the concentrations of A and B are set at 0.5 and no AB is present. A temperature field with three Gaussian hot-spots is initialized. This is shown in Figure 4(b).
The equations are integrated by an operator-split integration scheme [23]. The spatial derivatives are approximated by second-order central difference. The diffusion is integrated using a second-order time-centered implicit scheme and the reactive terms using an explicit second-order Runge-Kutta method.
Simulation codes are traditionally modularized based on functionality. We perform a coarse decomposition of our application into four parts: data management, physics, visualization, and linear system solver. The physics part is an excellent candidate for further decomposition into components implementing a diffusion model, a chemistry model and a time-integrator. Each part, provided as a component, is implemented as a C++ class. The classes are compiled to form shared objects. Access to a class's public functions (or a subset thereof) is supported through a Port provided to the framework by the component. Access to other components' data and methods are requested through Uses Ports, which are also registered with the framework. The connections between the Uses and Provides ports of different components form the wiring diagram for the simulation code. An illustration of this pattern can be found in the next section.
The functions described above are implemented as follows:
DataHolder : The DataHolder implements a regular, Cartesian mesh over a rectangular/cubical domain along with multiple arrays which contain different Fields described on the mesh. A 1D domain-decomposition is implemented in the horizontal direction and each processor is provided with a subsection of the global mesh and arrays (via index-ranges in the global index space). A ParameterPort is provided to set the domain limits, the resolution, and the overlap between sub-domains. A BlockPort is provided to allow the acquisition of CCA_Blocks. The CCA_Block encapsulates the pointer to the actual double-precision data and meta-data describing the distributed-array being accessed. Message passing (during ghost-cell update) is provided by MPI.
ReactionDiffusion : This class implements a purely explicit numerical scheme used to evolve the phenomenon as well as the models for diffusion and reaction. The numerical scheme requires the use of 3 DataHolders. Pointers to the data are acquired once and then used via macros (defined to allow array-like manipulation of the data) during the implementation of the numerical scheme. The component provides a ParameterPort to allow configuration of physical and chemical parameters and a Cart2DPort to facilitate visualization. There are no invocations of message-passing methods.
ReactionDiffusionImplicit : This class implements the same physics as the previous class (ReactionDiffusion) except that the diffusion is handled by an implicit scheme, as mentioned in Section 3.2.4. This results in the formation of a linear system of equation that need to be solved ( an [ A ] x = b problem ) which allows one to take larger timesteps at the expense of solving the linear system. Most of the implemetation and structure was adopted from ReactionDiffusion and consequently, a simulation code scripted using this component looks very similar to one using ReactionDiffusion (Figures 5 & 6).
Eyes: Eyes provides an interface in terms of the CCA_Block abstraction to the data transfer and visualization package CUMULVS [24]. CUMULVS collates the distributed array into a large array on one processor. Eyes is SPMD, using PVM for message-passing. CUMULVS provides a program "slicer" that implements visualization of the collated array. The data collection and transfer and the data visualization tools of CUMULVS are both prime candidates for CCA componentization.
SLS_DI and ISIS++ : These classes implement the construction and solution of the linear system ( [ A ] x = b ) corresponding to the implicit scheme. Methods defined in SLS_DI (and called from ReactionDiffusionImplict via the SimpleLinearSolver port) are used to set the matrix rows on an equation-by-equation basis. The final [A] and b matrices are constructed and passed to ISIS++ [25] for solution. ISIS++ implements a number of typical iterative algorithms for solving linear systems. The results and residuals are then passed back to the user via methods defined in SLS_DI.
Figure 7(a), (b) and (c) shows the temperature field from a 100 x 100 simulation conducted on 3 processors. The three snapshots show the evolution of a temperature front through the conducting channel. A classical smooth diffusive decaying temperature profile is strongly modified by the exothermic reactions to form a relatively steep front and regions of high temperature behind it. A time delay between the conduction of heat and the effect of chemistry is also observed (the large regions of high temperature behind the front take a finite time to develop) and is best captured in Figure 7(d) where the maximum temperature actually shows a dip before rising. Figure 8 shows the global temperature field as collated by Eyes and visualized by slicer, which is also seen to invert the vertical axis.
The final results, from a CCA standpoint, are that we succeeded in building a SCMD implementation based on the CCA core specification and that we found necessary several supporting services likely to be common to all HPC CCA frameworks. We present these services in the next section.
A set of parallel context services.
A Port-Connection Event service.
An execution port convention (GoPort).
A Component parameter configuration convention and factory service.
A parallel data server component.
The minimal parallel context information needed by a component following the CCAFFEINE model depends on the parallel communication methods the component uses, thus the requirements differ for PVM and MPI, for example. Other communication standards usually have similarly small requirements, so we will treat PVM and MPI as prototypical.
In PVM, the component instance on a node is able to find the rest of its SPMD cohort and know that it has done so with some assurance if it can discover from the framework are the total number nodes in the cohort and the unique collective string name of the cohort. The framework, or a component it delegates the task to, can answer both questions. The framework itself knows how many nodes it is running on, and hence how many the components run on. The CCA specification provides that each component shall have a unique string associated with it, accessible through the ComponentId interface. To make this string globally unique with respect to the PVM daemon when more than one framework may be running, the ComponentId string must be augmented with a framework id string.
For MPI-based components, in the absence of MPI delivered as a component library, we propose that all components may assume two things:
that a properly scoped communicator is obtainable via a Port. The Port may be supplied by another component wishing to share its communicator (and messages) or by the framework itself (via a service component).
A set of ports matching the description above are by no means the only message services possible in a CCA framework. More extensive Ports that encapsulate some common features of MPI and other messaging libraries may be published by others and implemented in components based on current or future messaging libraries. Ports supporting thread-handling conventions may be published. All these extensions are the subject of frequent discussions in the CCA working group.
Once a set of components is wired together, it needs some conventional callback whereby it can be set in motion by any framework the components encounter or by another component. In CCAFFEINE we encapsulate this in a GoPort and the go() function on a particular instance of the GoPort is called simultaneously across all nodes. A component that can logically be a driver of some computation provides a GoPort. The go() function has no arguments, such as the port name or an array of strings, so that both components and frameworks can call it. More complicated standard execution interfaces have been discussed in the CCA working group, each having different merits.
Frequently a component that could be a driver is also usable in a subordinate role, so the end user must be able to specify which of the potentially many GoPorts appearing within an assemblage of components is the one that the framework should call.
Most reusable components will have a number of control parameters that need to be configured in the course of specifying an application. A common current approach is to have a global database (the Windows Registry, the X-Window resources, the UNIX environment, or an equivalent collection of strings) that a component knows how to look in.
An interface convention is needed whereby the individual component instance can have full control of its parameters, including which ones it publishes globally (if any) for arbitrary third party manipulation. In CCAFFEINE we create a facility which satisfies the following constraints:
The parameter data implementation is object-oriented and further is viewable through fully abstract interfaces, in keeping with the CCA component and port model.
Callbacks are made on the component, if it is interested, both before value queries are answered and after values are set. Thus the component can take corresponding actions. The component merely implements and provides (as Ports) the necessary listener interfaces to show its interest to any framework providing parameter change notices.
The parameter objects for each component are held privately in that component, but the objects themselves are obtained from a factory Port so the component writer does not have to implement the objects herself.
The component publishes an interface (provides a ParameterPort) which by convention informs the framework (or other components, if the application framer so chooses) that the component has configurable parameters. Due to the OO nature of the interfaces, a component may provide more than one such ParameterPort and thus more than one set of parameters.
The user (framework or component) calling on the ParameterPort can find out what parameters are currently being published and can set values for them. The component may hold more parameters within and publish only relevant subsets based on incremental configurations.
The parameter objects take care of any parsing and generating of strings that may be needed.
Each parameter object requires bounds on the value, a descriptive string, a default value, a name, and an explanatory string be provided by the component. These fields are accessible (read-only) to the application framer to provide guidance in setting the parameters of the component. This ensures at least minimal documentation of parameters is always immediately available on-line.
Within a set of parameters (a ParameterPort) the parameters may be grouped. This is useful when rendering user interfaces, e.g. in constructing a tabbed dialog GUI or paged text input dialog.
This facility can in principle be layered over a conventional string database. We are exploring this avenue jointly with Argonne National Laboratory and we anticipate using their string database component being extracted from PetSC.
Many parallel components need to perform staged construction or destruction (lazy instantiation) during the connection phase of framing as information becomes acquirable from connected ports. These components need a service supporting a lightweight listener/notifier design pattern to provide notices of newly made connections and pending disconnections. The minimal information provided is the name of the port.
We have implemented such a callback mechanism using Ports in CCAFFEINE [22], and a related, though more general and weightier, mechanism is implemented in CCAT. This is currently before the CCA forum for approval as a standard.
Most object-oriented SPMD-supporting frameworks [6,12] provide some sort of domain specific high-performance data abstraction. Our central proposal is that there should be data managers which provide views on SPMD objects representing, for example, topology, coordinate, and field data. Various computational agents take turns transforming the values in the underlying heavy objects, performing initializations, stencil calculations, computing norms of subsets in the data and so forth. In essence, the computations stream by while the data sits in one place. The data manager takes care of most memory management issues.
One such high performance data manager in the finite element domain is the Data Warehouse of Uintah which, its authors report, is implemented as a CCA component. We have produced a prototypical Data Holder that manages structured grid data typical of applications with flow in regular geometries.
Early reuse of the Data Holder in the example application presented earlier in this paper confirms the utility of the overall CCA Port/Component approach. The Oak Ridge contributors provided many accurate criticisms of the Data Holder design and we are proceeding with plans to develop Ports and a Data service components suitable for applications requiring hierarchical structured grids. Ideally, the management functions will be independent of the particular form of data managed.
Some applications (for example climate modeling) may couple disjoint SPMD applications through a common data field. A portion of the application runs on M nodes and another portion runs on P other nodes. Some other examples of this include visualization and steering where P is likely to be one node on a desktop remote from the application nodes M.
Often a single SPMD program spans all M+P nodes, simply using node subsets within the SPMD abstraction provided by the message-passing library of choice. We hold that an important alternative way exists to create and couple these distributed applications, one that does not require a single framework spanning all M+P nodes. Instead, a component can span (by its own internal mechanism) two applications running in distinct frameworks, as explained in the following scenario.
This single C "inter-framework" component behaves (from the point of view of the individual frameworks) as if it only exists within their separate frames.
Some component on each side registers its view of the actual data with the half of C in its frame, providing a string name for the data and decomposition information.
The component C creates and provides the data proxy Ports needed (since it is the only component in which all the pieces of the puzzle are known).
At no time does C require that the two frameworks inter-operate directly. Coordinated actions driven by the same (probably living) agent external to both frameworks must not be confused with direct interoperation at a network protocol level.
Such a component will need to satisfy the following requirements:
Framework independence:
The components on M are framed separately from those in P.
The CCA framework implementations used in M and P may be entirely different in their details.
Strong symmetry:
On M will appear the actual data in its M-distribution.
On P will appear the actual data in its P-distribution.
On M will appear a proxy to the data on P and vice versa, provided by the component C.
On M the proxy will present its meta-information about P through a Port that (obviously) is in the shape of M, and vice versa. The term "nearly opaque remote reference" may be substituted for "proxy".
Importantly, the proxies do not necessarily imply a memory copy of the data being exchanged between M and P. The buffering and blocking policies specified by the user at either side may require a local duplication, but the Ports in question should provide at least one low-memory-consumption configuration alternative.
Either M or P may connect/disconnect independently of the other side's wishes. However, the other side will be notified or blocked until the connection is established, whichever is indicated by the functions used in the Port.
We expect all of the following factors to influence the implementation, optimality, and generality of MxP components meeting the above requirements:
Choice of communication library.
Hardware and OS, if conventional libraries are bypassed.
Type and structure of data shared.
Expected patterns of updating (bidirectional/asynchronous).
Expected size ratio of M and P, particularly, Mx1 and 1xP.
There will be other important factors as well. We are jointly investigating the design and implementation of such a set of Ports and components derived from CUMULVS with the authors of CUMULVS and consulting the collective wisdom of the CCA working group in this area [27].
There are unquestionably other facilities that will be common across SCMD framework implementations. We believe the six presented above should be addressed before the mass of auxiliary services is addressed.
We presented an approach to a high performance parallel computing component model. Our motivation is to produce the simplest extension to the current practices in the SPMD style of programming. We explored the concept of Single Component Multiple Data parallelism, where all components in a cohort are instantiated, connected, and controlled identically by the framework. We discussed the key runtime architectural features and support interfaces. We demonstrated the CCA architecture in an SCMD HPC application, and we proposed six enabling facilities that support HPC application construction.
The work was partly supported by MICS Department of the U.S. Department of Energy through the DOE2000 programm. For more information contact the CCA Forum at
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CUMULVS web page at (accessed December 12, 2000)
Isis++ web page at (accessed Decemer 12, 2000)
CPlant web page at (accessed December 12, 2000).
CCA forum's webpage at (accessed December 20, 2000).
Figure 1: Making peer-to-peer connections in a CCA framework
Figure 2: Illustration of the cohort and component interactions permitted by CCA.
Figure 3 Figure(a) above, illustrates the structure of the SPMD component framework. The MuxingProcess connects the control program to the cohort of instances of the SPMD framework. Figure (b) illustrates the self-similar nature of the MuxingProcess.
Figure 4(a) on the top plots 1 / Z,
a measure of thermal conductivity. We see a primarily non-conducting
plate with a conducting channel embedded in it. Below, Figure 4(b)
shows the initial conditions with "hot-spots" centered at
(0.25, 0.1), (0.5, 0.85) and (0.75, 0.1) in an (0, 1.0), (0, 1.0)
Figure 5. A snapshot of the "wiring diagram" for the reaction-diffusion code. 4 DataHolders (data, predicted_data, old_data, dc_data) are seen connected to the ReactionDiffusionImplicit component (RDI) along with an Eyes Component (VizComponent). RDI solves diffusion in an implicit manner, constructing the distributed linear system using a SLS_DI component (LinearSolverInterface) and actually solves the system of equation using an ISIS++ component (IsisLinearSolverPackage). The Ports registered by each component are seen prominently and serve as a means of setting user-modifiable component parameters (e.g. mesh resolution, physical and chemical constants etc.).
Figure 6. Wiring diagram of the reaction-diffusion code, implemented with a purely explicit numerical scheme. While the actual physics component has changed (RD is of class ReactionDiffusion, instead of ReactionDiffusionImplicit, as shown in the previous figure), we show reuse of the DataHolder components as well as the Eyes component. This simulation code was tested on 32 processors on Sandia National Laboratories Cplant cluster. This picture also shows an unused and unconnected DataHolder (viz_data).
Figure 7. Snapshots of the temperature field at t = 0. 0.02 and 0.08 are shown in Figure 7 (a), (b) and (c). The initial conditions shows the 3 "hot-spots". In (b) we see heat diffusing through the conducting channel. This is rapid enough that the top "hot-spot" actually shows a decrease in maximum temperature compared to its state at t = 0. In (c) we see that heat production by chemical reaction at the hot-spots exceed transport by diffusion leading to heat and temperature build-up. This is most dramatic in the top hot-spot which shows a net increase in temperature. Diffusion fronts are seen to be sharp, unlike the classical exponential decay characteristic of pure diffusive physics. An asymmetry is also seen and is due to the coarse resolution - this is seen to disappear on finer meshes. In (d) we plot the maximum temperature versus time. It is seen to dip initially when diffusion transports energy away from the hot-spots and thereafter rises as the exothermic reaction release heat in regions where the temperature is sufficiently high to have non-zero reaction rates.
Figure 8. A screen shot of the "slicer" visualization tool included with CUMULVS. Temperature data, collated from three processors onto one by "VizComponent " is shown here. This serves as an automatic monitoring tool since the picture is continuously updated as the simulation proceeds. Slicer is used to view all the relevant fields (temperature and each of the species). Note that slicer "flips" the picture about the horizontal axis.
1Corresponding author. Dr. R. Armstrong, MS 9217, PO Box 969, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94551-0969. Phone : 925-294-2470, Fax 925-294-1225. Email :