
CCA Toolkit naming and install standards
This page is superceded by the bocca package installation standard.
CCA Toolkit developers should follow the bocca standard.

Component Install Path

components $prefix/CCAtk/components/$PACKAGE_NAME-$version/Contains $COMPONENT_NAME.cca, $, lib$COMPONENT_NAME.a
ports$prefix/CCAtk/ports/$PACKAGE_NAME-$version/Contains $PORT_NAME.sidl, lib$PORT_NAME-lang.a, $
port headers for F90, C, C++ $prefix/CCAtk/ports/$PACKAGE_NAME-$version/includeContains *.h, *.hh
frameworks, tools$prefix/CCAtk/fwk/ (example:$prefix/CCAtk/fwk/ccafe) Contains frameworks
bindir$prefix/CCAtk/bin/Contains executables
Utilities: mpich,python,...$prefix/CCAtk/etcGrab bag

Version Naming (i.e. GNU) and language monikers

i.e.version = %d.%d.%d For example: "$COMPONENT_NAME-$version" looks like "ga-3.2.6"
i.e. lang = one of c, c++, f90, pythonFor example: "$" looks like ""

Note: Bocca will soon provide fully automated install. The above standard which looked fine in 2004 is likely to be revised to be less divergent from the gnu guidelines and other common practices.

Note-old: the above standard was revised from the CCA meeting in a telecon 6 Sep 04; it is also good to look at: These should be considered guidelines and there are almost certainly circumstance where these may be stretched or broken. Boyana is creating an example component build from the tutorial source. If you wish to get a head start on deploying your component you might want to download tutorial-src-$version.tar.gz . This distribution will soon install everything in the standard places outlined above, using the conventions discussed here. The tutorial source is only a template for building and deploying a component. You will also want to build the cca tools (Babel, Chasm, Ccaffeine, etc.) that will work best with the tutorial source. Download|cca-tools-$version.tar.gz] here.

Bocca Reference And Guide

Created by: admin last modification: Wednesday 26 of September, 2007 [21:05:59 UTC] by baallan

The original document is available at