- March 27, 2006. The specification is being updated to use Babel 0.11. The details of that change that may be useful to others porting code to newer babel will be found in Babel Migrations. Mostly build changes.
- Aug 4, 2005. The cca-$version.sidl file is now available in the download area. If you are a developer and notice that its version falls behind the CVS, please add an updated file to /home/httpd/download/spec.
- May 4, 2005. The cca-spec-babel repository has been tagged last_0_7_5, a tar published to the download area, and the CVS moved on to version 0.7.7. Version 0.7.7 requires babel 0.10.3 or later and is not yet expected to be compatible with ccaffeine, the tutorial, or anything else.
Created by: admin
last modification: Monday 27 of March, 2006 [16:59:09 UTC] by baallan
The original document is available at http://www.cca-forum.org/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Specification%20News